- edited from
"Shameless" A Great Cause (TV Episode 2012)
The Gallaghers watch a bootleg of this movie"Veronique Von Venom: Horror Hostess Hottie" Maria Olsen Interview! (TV Episode 2013)
interview actress/producer Maria Olsen"Nostalgia Critic" Top 11 New Halloween Classics (TV Episode 2014)
this series takes #9"Nostalgia Critic" Should Found Footage Stop? (TV Episode 2015)
among the found-footage movies discussed and examined- The flaws of the movie are talked about
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
"Midnight Screenings" Spy Kids 4D: All the Time in the World (TV Episode 2011)
Mentioned in dialogue."Midnight Screenings" The Best and Worst Movies of the Summer 2011 (TV Episode 2011)
Mentioned in dialogue.The Ridges (2011)
It is homaged."Estrenos Críticos" La Cosa (TV Episode 2011)
release mentioned"Midnight Screenings" Paranormal Activity 3 (TV Episode 2011)
movie is reviewed
Forbidden Planet (1956)
The family have a robot toy in their video room.The Bad News Bears (1976)
Poster seen in the guestroom where Julie and Dennis stay.Poltergeist (1982)
Katie's dad says she is like "Carol-Anne" because she can connect with poltergeistsBack to the Future (1985)
Randy and Dennis discuss the improperly named film, citing that the plot revolves around travelling to the past then returning to the present as apposed to travelling to the future.MacGyver (TV Series 1985–1992)
mentioned in dialogue
- Part of the series
"The Simpsons" Treehouse of Horror XXIII (TV Episode 2012)
Marge's sisters called up the demon when they were children in "UnNormal Activity"A Haunted House (2013)
The spinning fan camera and 1988 VHS flashbacks are parodied- One of the main parodies.
Scary Movie V (2013)
One of the main parodies.