During production of Blind People, the film started to be referred to as "The Trial" (From the Kafka novel). While this was never an official working title, the names began to seem more and more appropriate as problems continued to plague the production. The main set began to deteriorate rapidly during shooting with an bathroom in the apartment above flooding and damaging the set two weeks into production. This was found out after arrival on the set one Saturday and observing a literal waterfall coming from the bathroom ceiling. Problems continued as the boiler for the building broke a couple weeks later. This normally wouldn't have been a major concern except for two important facts: production was taking place during the winter, and plugging in heaters along with the lighting equipment for the filming blew the breakers. So, the production was left with the choice of either lighting, or heat. Everyone dressed warm after that. These problems seem minor however, compared to the problem we faced next, when the lead actor (playing Ray) quit without giving any notice or reason. Refusing to give an explanation, the actor did not show up to a scheduled shoot and could not be contacted. The production was 90% complete at the time. The part of Ray was then recast and the film production extended another month. Production was finally completed in March of 2010, and the production of Blind People is now laughed about by the crew... sort of.