14 reviews
- last_cheese
- Jun 8, 2013
- Permalink
A soldier returns from war to a family happy to see him. Soon they become not so happy and by the end even less happy. Over the course of a couple of days the soldiers health deteriorates until the point the family know something is very wrong, by which point it is too late.
I watch a lot of low budget horror movies so I'm used to seeing terrible acting and low production values and it never usually puts me off. The acting here isn't great but I have seen a hell of a lot worse. Also it was good to see Camille Keaton again even in such a small role.
The film quality itself is pretty good but the sound is very muffled. The make up FX and gore FX towards the end of the movie are very good as anyone familiar with the Toetag movies would expect. At the end the way the soldier begins acting I found very chilling and thought his performance was easily the best.
My only problem with this movie was that it is painfully slow. As the returning soldier gets more ill his monologues become very slow and I found myself keep checking the running time for the movie wondering how much longer it was going on for.
If you were a fan of death dream but were disappointed it didn't quite go for the jugular then you owe it to yourself to check this out. It's nowhere near as classy but still very enjoyable.
I watch a lot of low budget horror movies so I'm used to seeing terrible acting and low production values and it never usually puts me off. The acting here isn't great but I have seen a hell of a lot worse. Also it was good to see Camille Keaton again even in such a small role.
The film quality itself is pretty good but the sound is very muffled. The make up FX and gore FX towards the end of the movie are very good as anyone familiar with the Toetag movies would expect. At the end the way the soldier begins acting I found very chilling and thought his performance was easily the best.
My only problem with this movie was that it is painfully slow. As the returning soldier gets more ill his monologues become very slow and I found myself keep checking the running time for the movie wondering how much longer it was going on for.
If you were a fan of death dream but were disappointed it didn't quite go for the jugular then you owe it to yourself to check this out. It's nowhere near as classy but still very enjoyable.
- Greenzombidog
- Apr 14, 2012
- Permalink
I usually write a review when the movie is either of exceptional standards or when it is an absolute crap, to put it mildly. Well for those who might be unfortunate enough to watch even 5 minutes of "this" ... will know which category it fits in. One could go to great lengths in describing how bad this is. But I'd rather save some time and simply advise anyone with the slightest sense of self respect and intelligence to save their time too and stay away from this ... atrocious joke. Horrific! Horrid! Ridiculously bad !!! IMDb has a ridiculous policy of 10 lines minimum in a review, thus, I must keep writing until it can actually be approved. Thats how bad this "video" is, that I feel sick just by writing about it. But I feel obliged to contradict those three imbeciles posting positive reviews, who are either somehow involved in the production of this joke or they are just sick morons with a twisted sense of humour who think it's funny posting a false positive review in order to make others watch this INSANELY BAD production. Hope the above should be enough to warn some folks, who might actually be interested in watching quality, instead of this ... god I cant refrain from using the word CRAP again in describing it. CRAP ! CRAP ! CRAP ! is what this is. There it goes, I said it. Nothing else needs to be said.
- sogkokou-1
- Jan 13, 2011
- Permalink
Never seen a TOETAG film before......never will again, seen better films made with no budget and a handy cam! Film feels cheap right from the start, its so bad its uncomfortable to watch. The acting if you could call them actors was poor, I suspect they were volunteers or passers by! I don't see the point going into any detail on this film they certainly didn't bother when making it.
Clearly there are a few fan boy/girls or as previous poster said probably involved with making the film who have given the movie a positive rating which fooled me into watching it, spare yourself heed my warning!
Clearly there are a few fan boy/girls or as previous poster said probably involved with making the film who have given the movie a positive rating which fooled me into watching it, spare yourself heed my warning!
I'm not sure if this has ever been raised but IMDb needs to have some sort of a system to filter dishonest reviews. Well, it must be really hard to do, almost impossible, I realise.
Anyway, I just could not believe the 3 positive reviews submitted. As someone already mentioned, they must be from the morons who made the movie.
Other than those 3, enough is said about the movie. The budget should be $20, not $20,000.
Get your remote control and be ready to fast forward. I'm glad I did that otherwise I would have wasted more 90 minutes of my time. The movie is extremely SLOW with no story at all. If you want some gruesome stuff then just watch the last 5 minutes.
Anyway, I just could not believe the 3 positive reviews submitted. As someone already mentioned, they must be from the morons who made the movie.
Other than those 3, enough is said about the movie. The budget should be $20, not $20,000.
Get your remote control and be ready to fast forward. I'm glad I did that otherwise I would have wasted more 90 minutes of my time. The movie is extremely SLOW with no story at all. If you want some gruesome stuff then just watch the last 5 minutes.
Sergeant Brad Roback is coming home from Iraq in a wheelchair. With no memory of the attack, or what occurred afterward, and with the loss of function in his legs, it is natural that Brad is confused and dazed. But something more is wrong with Brad. He looks half-dead, with red sunken eyes and a ghastly pallor. He cannot eat; his body oozes black fluid, the stench from which is like the stench of death. As Brad deteriorates, his family gathered round to support him but unable to reach him, the full toll of war is seen. Sella Turcica is a brutal, brilliant statement about the terrors of war. With excellent acting that brings home the heart-breaking horror of what is happening, highly effective makeup and special effects, and a story that will fester i your brain, Sella Turcica is one of the best anti-war horror films we've ever seen.
- channel-kdk12
- Jan 15, 2011
- Permalink
If there were negative scores, this pile of crap would qualify.
Obviously some shills have padded the reviews here because absolutely no one could give this movie a rating of more than 1. IMDb should simply remove this movie from the database. Or, if that's not possible, remove the shill reviews lest someone actually think this garbage has value in any way.
Claims the budget is $20K. That's about $19,999 more than it was worth.
Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Inane plot (to the extent that there is any plot whatsoever). Atrocious acting (it's as if they found some people on the street and asked them if they wanted to be in a movie). Phenomenally bad production values. There is nothing--absolutely nothing--good here. Waste of time, effort and someone's $20K.
Obviously some shills have padded the reviews here because absolutely no one could give this movie a rating of more than 1. IMDb should simply remove this movie from the database. Or, if that's not possible, remove the shill reviews lest someone actually think this garbage has value in any way.
Claims the budget is $20K. That's about $19,999 more than it was worth.
Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Inane plot (to the extent that there is any plot whatsoever). Atrocious acting (it's as if they found some people on the street and asked them if they wanted to be in a movie). Phenomenally bad production values. There is nothing--absolutely nothing--good here. Waste of time, effort and someone's $20K.
- Endgame-953-297845
- Jan 16, 2011
- Permalink
Wow... This movie was off the hook, although it wasn't very exciting the entire time because (I feel) it is meant to be more of a dramatic type horror film, which is something TOETAG has never done before. Everything builds up to the action, and it makes it so much better to see it all happen... You get to see Bradley progress through his sickness within about 24 hours of him and his family being together again. I personally believe this is TOETAG's greatest film ever, and they really took a new approach to making movies with this one, and tried something they hadn't done before... This movie has made me look at TOETAG a different way than I already did... I thought I loved them before, but I must say, I now truly do.
The story is amazing, and although it wasn't necessarily 'original', it was in ways and kept me very interested the whole time through. The characters were all great, and Damien Maruscak did excellent as Bradley.
The only problem I had with the film was the acting, but I did not expect the acting to be amazing as it is after all a TOETAG movie, the acting is not bad, but the acting is not great, and nothing special.
READ THE FULL REVIEW @ http://gravesidestudios.ca/movies/sella-turcica- movie-review/
The story is amazing, and although it wasn't necessarily 'original', it was in ways and kept me very interested the whole time through. The characters were all great, and Damien Maruscak did excellent as Bradley.
The only problem I had with the film was the acting, but I did not expect the acting to be amazing as it is after all a TOETAG movie, the acting is not bad, but the acting is not great, and nothing special.
READ THE FULL REVIEW @ http://gravesidestudios.ca/movies/sella-turcica- movie-review/
- user-915-409013
- Dec 3, 2010
- Permalink
What do you say about a movie so bad you just wanna forget it as soon as possible. I don't think there was a budget for this film or if there was they didn't spend it on the film, ha ha.
The actors were well trying their best I guess but all really should pursue other career paths, no really the should. The film was genuinely terrible most people probably wont get past the first 10-15 mins.
Some people have been pushing the ratings up on this film could only be the people involved with it. This film really is a turd waiting for your unsuspecting foot!
Sella Turdica - Its a Stinker
The actors were well trying their best I guess but all really should pursue other career paths, no really the should. The film was genuinely terrible most people probably wont get past the first 10-15 mins.
Some people have been pushing the ratings up on this film could only be the people involved with it. This film really is a turd waiting for your unsuspecting foot!
Sella Turdica - Its a Stinker
- Friendswithrom
- Jan 22, 2011
- Permalink
- redrobin62-321-207311
- Feb 20, 2016
- Permalink
Progression: the action or process of progressing.
That is a word that will probably appear several times throughout this review and you may be asking yourself "why is a review for a horror movie starting out with the Webster's dictionary definition for the word progression?" There is a reason my friend, bare with me and please read on.
TOETAG INC. landed on the horror scene with the August Underground series, forever cementing their mark in horror history. After the AU series, TOETAG released their first cinematic feature THE REDSIN TOWER, showing fans and critics alike that there was more to this company than just faux snuff films and hyper realistic, ultra gross out FX trickery.
With their next feature, MURDER COLLECTION VOL.1, TOETAG began to show more depth in their arsenal of what they can do. It was similar, in a sense, to the AUGUST UNDERGROUND series in that it was shot primarily on video, it was "real" death caught on camera and it employed ultra real makeup effects that are too much for many to handle, but it was still quite different from what had came prior in how it was executed (pardon the pun). It was a progression, a step forward in filmmaking.
Next up, TOETAG released MASKHEAD, furthering displaying a departure from their earlier faux snuff film ventures and returning to more of the cinematic approach that we saw with THE REDSIN TOWER. Teaming with Scott Swan (Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns), TOETAG showed with MASKHEAD that there were new avenues about to be traveled down; it showed that the doors were about to knocked down. This was yet another progression, another step forward in where TOETAG were taking us, a progressive journey that would take us to their latest film, SELLA TURCICA.
SELLA TURCICA tells the story of Sgt. Brad Roback (Damien Maruscak), who returns home from the war in Afghanistan where he suffered a mysterious accident that leaves even him unsure of exactly what happened. The accident rendered him paralyzed from the waist down and his whole demeanor somewhat different than when he left. Brad's family is also unaware of the details surrounding Brad's accident and the severity of the condition it has left him in. Once Brad is finally back home, they immediately notice that something is wrong with Brad but over the next twenty-six hours his condition rapidly deteriorates, spiraling into a horrific climax for Brad and his family that you won't soon forget! Check out the rest of the review here: http://www.beyondtherealms.com/Sella_Turcica_Review.html
That is a word that will probably appear several times throughout this review and you may be asking yourself "why is a review for a horror movie starting out with the Webster's dictionary definition for the word progression?" There is a reason my friend, bare with me and please read on.
TOETAG INC. landed on the horror scene with the August Underground series, forever cementing their mark in horror history. After the AU series, TOETAG released their first cinematic feature THE REDSIN TOWER, showing fans and critics alike that there was more to this company than just faux snuff films and hyper realistic, ultra gross out FX trickery.
With their next feature, MURDER COLLECTION VOL.1, TOETAG began to show more depth in their arsenal of what they can do. It was similar, in a sense, to the AUGUST UNDERGROUND series in that it was shot primarily on video, it was "real" death caught on camera and it employed ultra real makeup effects that are too much for many to handle, but it was still quite different from what had came prior in how it was executed (pardon the pun). It was a progression, a step forward in filmmaking.
Next up, TOETAG released MASKHEAD, furthering displaying a departure from their earlier faux snuff film ventures and returning to more of the cinematic approach that we saw with THE REDSIN TOWER. Teaming with Scott Swan (Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns), TOETAG showed with MASKHEAD that there were new avenues about to be traveled down; it showed that the doors were about to knocked down. This was yet another progression, another step forward in where TOETAG were taking us, a progressive journey that would take us to their latest film, SELLA TURCICA.
SELLA TURCICA tells the story of Sgt. Brad Roback (Damien Maruscak), who returns home from the war in Afghanistan where he suffered a mysterious accident that leaves even him unsure of exactly what happened. The accident rendered him paralyzed from the waist down and his whole demeanor somewhat different than when he left. Brad's family is also unaware of the details surrounding Brad's accident and the severity of the condition it has left him in. Once Brad is finally back home, they immediately notice that something is wrong with Brad but over the next twenty-six hours his condition rapidly deteriorates, spiraling into a horrific climax for Brad and his family that you won't soon forget! Check out the rest of the review here: http://www.beyondtherealms.com/Sella_Turcica_Review.html
- musicminds247
- Dec 13, 2010
- Permalink