It's obvious there wasn't a lot of cash to be spared during the production of "Sheriff of Contention," but the end result is still a fairly enjoyable little western flick.
The sets and costumes are all great. Some of the actors managed to deliver solid performances (namely Miguel Corona as trigger-happy town deputy). The story feels a little different and unique for the genre by mixing a western with a serial-killer thriller / murder mystery. And even though the direction, SFX, and editing are pretty rough in some areas, the film did manage to keep my interest throughout. (Could've been a little shorter without so many scenes being padded out.)
As a fan of westerns, I'm impressed by what was put on-screen with such an obviously low / micro-budget. It's apparent the filmmakers were looking to churn out a fun, old-fashioned western, no matter how little money they had. And for the most part, they succeeded.
If you're a fan of the genre, it's worth a rental from the 'ol Redbox.