- 28 Days Later Analysis [Ed Sum]
- About.com [Mark Harris]
- Action Movie Fanatix
- AndyErupts [John Milton]
- Blueprint: Review [Andrew Goodman]
- BZFilm
- Canadian Film Corner [Greg Klymkiw]
- CHUD.com [Zach Russell]
- Cinema Crazed [Felix Vasquez Jr.]
- Cinema Head Cheese [Peggy Christie]
- De Nachtvlinders [Mary]
- Dutch
- Dead Moon Night [Jesper Sjöberg]
- Swedish
- Die-besten-Horrorfilme.de [Marcus Littwin]
- German
- Dread Central [Jinx]
- Entertainment Maven [Matthew Hodgson]
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Anton Bitel]
- Fangoria [David Goodfellow]
- FEARnet [Scott Weinberg]
- Film Corner, The [Greg Klymkiw - DVD/Blu-Ray]
- Film Critics United
- Film Monthly [Jason Coffman]
- Films in Review (DVD) [Roy Frumkes]
- Flickering Myth [Cat Fyson]
- Freakin' Awesome Network [Michael Coello]
- Frombeyond.se [Kristoffer Pettersson]
- Swedish
- Home Theater Info DVD [Douglas MacLean]
- Horror 101 with Dr. AC [Aaron Christensen]
- Horror Movie Diary [Maynard Morrissey]
- Horror Palace [Jay of the Dead]
- Horrorant [Konstantinos]
- Greek
- HorrorTalk [Joel Harley]
- I Like Horror Movies [Carl Manes]
- Jackmeats Flix [Justin Whippo]
- KQEK.com [Mark R. Hasan]
- Love Horror
- Movie Farm [Luke Allen]
- Movie Moxie [Shannon Ridler]
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- German
- Movies In Focus (Niall Browne)
- Obscurendure [evlkeith]
- Quiet Earth [Chris Webster]
- Quiet Earth [Rick McGrath]
- ReanimatedReviews.com [Undead Reviewer]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- ScreenAnarchy [Matthew Lee]
- Sorry Never Heard of It [Kate Jackson]
- TerrorWeekend.com [Sergio Bosch]
- Spanish
- The Film Reel [Will Brownridge]
- The Lair of Filth [Jude Felton]
- The Movie Rat [Bernardo Villela]
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