Camilla Luddington credited as playing...
Lara Croft
- [first lines]
- Lara Croft: A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I'd finally set out to make my mark; to find adventure. But instead adventure found me. In our darkest moments, when life flashes before us, we find something; Something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us.
- Lara Croft: Damn it, he can't hear me. I have to get to him. His signal's just over there.
- Conrad Roth: No, we've got our own people to worry about. We'll need to regroup as soon as they find Sam.
- Lara Croft: I can't just leave him out there alone! I need to get to him.
- Conrad Roth: Sometimes you've got to make sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone.
- Lara Croft: I know about sacrifices.
- Conrad Roth: No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you.
- Lara Croft: I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
- Lara Croft: Himiko! The first Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.
- [opens up sarcophagus]
- Lara Croft: And you're really here.
- [coughs]
- Lara Croft: And... really, really dead.
- Conrad Roth: Hey, you got it. Nice work.
- Lara Croft: So, I assume the plan is to take that up to the radio tower?
- Conrad Roth: That should give us the best shot of broadcasting a strong signal in every direction. Look, Lara. We need to send out that SOS and I'm not climbing any time soon.
- Lara Croft: Yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that.
- Conrad Roth: You can do it, Lara. After all, you're a Croft.
- Lara Croft: I don't think I'm that kind of Croft.
- Conrad Roth: Sure you are. You just don't know it yet.
- Lara Croft: Well, let's hope I'm a faster learner, then.
- Conrad Roth: [Lara has fixed his bitten leg] That's not bad. Where'd a young lady like you learn to do a thing like that?
- Lara Croft: [Lightly laughs] Late shift at the Nine Bells. Wolf's got nothing on a broken bottle.
- [last lines]
- Crewmember: I don't know what happened to you on that island, and judging by those wounds and that look in your eyes, I don't think I want to know... Anyway, we'll be home soon.
- Lara Croft: [Opens a diary, looking at a map on a page] I'm not going home...
- Joslin Reyes: It seems that anybody close to you has a pretty low survival rate.
- Lara Croft: Better keep your distance, then.
- Lara Croft: I've studied them so much, I can see charts on the back of my eyelids. But if I'm not right about Yamatai being in the Dragon's Triangle...
- Conrad Roth: I remember when you found that on one of your father's digs. You ran up and showed it to me dressed in your penguin pajamas.
- Lara Croft: [laughs] I was five years old. It was my first find.
- Conrad Roth: You've got great instincts, girl. You just have to trust them.
- Lara Croft: That's what my father used to say.
- Conrad Roth: Now there was a man that ran on instinct. For better or worse... He would have been so proud of you, Lara.
- Lara Croft: I've talk to Roth about this. There's no point in following other people's footsteps, Dr. Whitman.
- Dr. James Whitman: I refuse to bet my reputation on your hunch! I'm the lead archaeologist here.
- Angus Grimaldi: And when were you last in the field without a TV crew behind you?
- Dr. James Whitman: I've got 30 years experience, 2 PhD's, one in East Asian history. So why don't you just stick to boats, Mr. Grim?
- Angus Grimaldi: Ship, Dr. Whitman. It's a ship. Don't need a PhD to know that.
- Lara Croft: Grim's... dead. They tried to use him as leverage to make me surrender. But he wouldn't let them.
- Conrad Roth: Grim you... you stubborn bastard.
- Lara Croft: I'm sorry, Roth.
- Conrad Roth: No... Don't be sorry, Lara. Just make it count. We'll raise a glass to the old man when we get out of here.
- Joslin Reyes: So, Lara, what do you expect us to find?
- Lara Croft: Do you really want to know?
- Joslin Reyes: No, but you should tell me anyway.
- Lara Croft: Look, I know this plan sounds crazy...
- Joslin Reyes: Yeah, it is. But crazy's all we got right now, so let's do this.
- Lara Croft: Wait, what are you doing?
- Conrad Roth: The wolves took my food pack. The transmitter from the lifeboat's in it. If we don't get that back, we're not getting off this bloody island.
- Lara Croft: Yeah, but you need... you need bandages, morphine, antiseptic...
- Conrad Roth: Also in the pack.
- Lara Croft: Shit.
- Conrad Roth: Exactly.