13 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 70The Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyThe Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyFranco, employing diverse cinematic techniques from split screen (mostly early on) to direct-to-camera address, makes the Bundrens’ time of trial more immediately coherent than it is on the page without disrespecting Faulkner’s oblique style.
- 63Slant MagazineSlant MagazineJames Franco's readiness in approaching famously abstract source material certainly doesn't translate well into his directorial formalism, or, more appropriately, lack of formalism.
- 60The GuardianPeter BradshawThe GuardianPeter BradshawFranco's As I Lay Dying is a worthwhile movie, approached in an intelligent and creative spirit. The ensemble work from the actors is generally very strong, with a star turn from Nelson as the prematurely aged patriarch, and the story is presented lucidly and confidently.
- 60VarietyLeslie FelperinVarietyLeslie FelperinFranco offers up a competently acted, technically adequate Cliff Notes take on Faulkner’s narratively refracted tale of dirt-poor Mississippi folk in mourning.
- 50The PlaylistKevin JagernauthThe PlaylistKevin JagernauthAs I Lay Dying is another Franco lark that is more of an experiment with form than a fully realized movie. One almost gets the sense that Franco is working out ideas with As I Lay Dying, with the goal of creating a cohesive film as a secondary ambition to simply capturing the feel of Faulkner's prose.
- 50The A.V. ClubIgnatiy VishnevetskyThe A.V. ClubIgnatiy VishnevetskyLike Franco’s other directorial efforts, it ends up coming across as an academic art object, somewhere halfway between a graduate thesis and a video installation—interesting, but only in context.
- 40Time OutDavid FearTime OutDavid FearThey quickly smother whatever greatness was inherent in the material. Faulkner’s vivid, tragic and tender world is nowhere to be found here, and it's a deal breaker by any other name.
- 40Village VoiceChris PackhamVillage VoiceChris PackhamFranco adapted a book that often reads like joyless homework into a film that feels the same way.
- 40The DissolveSam AdamsThe DissolveSam AdamsPutting Faulkner’s dialogue in actors’ mouths only underlines the fact that it was never meant to be read aloud, and simply cutting between one perspective and the next does nothing to evoke the rushing stream of collective consciousness that runs through Faulkner’s South.