- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- Flick Filosopher [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 411Celeb [Susan Granger]
- 5 seconds [Pvt. Cowboy]
- About Entertainment [Rebecca Murray]
- Alone in the Dark [Paul Greenwood]
- AltaPeli [Lisandro Liberatto]
- Spanish
- An Online Universe [Sam McCosh]
- Anderson Vision - Blu-Ray [Troy Anderson]
- Anthony's Film Review [Anthony]
- Archon Cinema [Nicole Gallo]
- Arts and the City [Giorgos Panopoulos]
- Greek
- ArtsHub [Sarah Ward]
- Assholes Watching Movies [Jay]
- Austin Chronicle [Kimberley Jones]
- AV Forums [Steve Withers]
- Battleship Pretension [David Bax]
- Beboti [Kenny Howell]
- Big Fanboy [Ronnie Malik]
- Big Gay Picture Show [Tim Isaac]
- Black Sheep [Nick Watson]
- Blogbusters [Cem Topçu]
- German
- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- Blu-ray [Martin Liebman]
- Blu-ray Definition [Tim Baros]
- Cervený Koberec [Jiri Kabrt]
- Czech
- Cinema Deviant [David Cantu]
- Cinema Nerdz [Mandi Hall]
- Cinema365 [Carlos deVillalvilla]
- Cinemagazine [Wouter Los]
- Dutch
- CineMarvellous! [George Beremov]
- Cinemixtape [J. Olson]
- Cinemum [Content breakdown]
- CineSnob [Cody Villafana]
- Cinetastic [Carl Philipp Walter]
- German
- CineVue [Amon Warmann]
- Coming Soon [Daniela Catelli]
- Italian
- Common Sense Media [Sandie Angulo Chen]
- Critical Movie Critics [Craig Catena]
- Crushed Celluloid [Marcus Jones]
- Cultjer [Elizabeth Brown]
- Culture Fix [Andrew McArthur]
- Danland [Daniel Kelly]
- Darren's World of Entertainment [Darren Bevan]
- De Filminspecteur [Olav P. Huveneer]
- Dutch
- Derek Winnert [Derek Winnert]
- Digital Journal [Sarah Gopaul]
- Digital Spy [Stella Papamichael]
- Dork Shelf [Andrew Parker]
- Dustin Putman [Dustin Putman]
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