25 reviews
It's your usual 'young people get trapped (this time underground) and have to fight for their lives against mutants' movie.
It's all very much in the Wrong Turn vein. You know, the cast are good looking. There are lots of pretty, short-skirted females screaming the place down. The guys run around all tough and are, funnily enough, the easiest slain.
But underground it's dark, and thus we're often faced with a too dark picture. Half the time I couldn't see what was going on.
The ending couldn't have come quick enough as I was becoming increasingly bored with this movie. It's 'b' rated stuff, nothing special.
It's all very much in the Wrong Turn vein. You know, the cast are good looking. There are lots of pretty, short-skirted females screaming the place down. The guys run around all tough and are, funnily enough, the easiest slain.
But underground it's dark, and thus we're often faced with a too dark picture. Half the time I couldn't see what was going on.
The ending couldn't have come quick enough as I was becoming increasingly bored with this movie. It's 'b' rated stuff, nothing special.
- spotlightne
- Dec 7, 2011
- Permalink
Neil Marshall's THE DESCENT was a fine stab at a survival horror yarn, featuring some excellent locations (those dank and dismal caves were a perfect backdrop for the scares) and a race of nasty villains who seemed to be descended from Gollum. UNDERGROUND is a cheap and nasty American version of the above, with the setting swapped to an underground military bunker.
Unfortunately, UNDERGROUND has much in common with modern-day B-movies as it's the kind of film you watch and mildly enjoy in places, but soon forget about once the credits roll. The script and production values of this film are poor, with much of the running time consisting of too much repetitive wandering around in semi-darkness. Needless to say the characters are bland and undistinguished, with nobody to root for.
The monsters in the film are passable, and I enjoyed the couple of fight scenes that we get here and there (the choreography isn't too shabby). As with many B-movies, the gore content is ramped up to compensate for failings elsewhere, and there are a couple of great gags involving eyeball violence and a twist on the old "ripped in half" joke. Sadly, the film as a whole is just too dark and bland to be worth watching, though.
Unfortunately, UNDERGROUND has much in common with modern-day B-movies as it's the kind of film you watch and mildly enjoy in places, but soon forget about once the credits roll. The script and production values of this film are poor, with much of the running time consisting of too much repetitive wandering around in semi-darkness. Needless to say the characters are bland and undistinguished, with nobody to root for.
The monsters in the film are passable, and I enjoyed the couple of fight scenes that we get here and there (the choreography isn't too shabby). As with many B-movies, the gore content is ramped up to compensate for failings elsewhere, and there are a couple of great gags involving eyeball violence and a twist on the old "ripped in half" joke. Sadly, the film as a whole is just too dark and bland to be worth watching, though.
- Leofwine_draca
- Dec 9, 2014
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Some of the comments here are just a tad bit too good for this movie, as it really does suck and will bore anyone out of their mind, if not get him quite mad because it lacks the basic logic also! You could say that indeed it is some sort of breed between The Descent and The Cave, probably & Creep also, but I think that Underground only got the bad parts from them.
Seriously, this is one of them very bad movies, even the camera work is terrible, as you will see it shaking from time to time, the characters are not so bad OK, but the plot, well we really have a problem here! Cheesy cheesy, cliché, cliché and you can always tell when someone else is going to die! As for the creatures, when you'll hear the explanation for them, you'll probably start laughing, only good part of the movie to be honest.
Bottom line, do try The Descent, The Cave, Creep even Stag Night, but stay awaaaaay from this one! I gave it a 3! Solid 3!
Seriously, this is one of them very bad movies, even the camera work is terrible, as you will see it shaking from time to time, the characters are not so bad OK, but the plot, well we really have a problem here! Cheesy cheesy, cliché, cliché and you can always tell when someone else is going to die! As for the creatures, when you'll hear the explanation for them, you'll probably start laughing, only good part of the movie to be honest.
Bottom line, do try The Descent, The Cave, Creep even Stag Night, but stay awaaaaay from this one! I gave it a 3! Solid 3!
- Patient444
- Mar 31, 2012
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I'll make this very short & easy: don't waste your precious time watching this atrocity. It's a complete insult to the senses.
Photography in this film is horrible. Acting is laughable. Music is bad. FX are mostly C grade, especially makeup & CGI (practical ones are kinda OK though). There's way better editing on an average YouTube video. And the acting is bad, bad, bad. Oh, did I already said that? Well...that's how bad it is.
But by far the worst offender here is the script. Some truly ghastly experiments created some really nasty creatures. So the movie starts with a really lame "search & destroy" military operation going bad. 2 years later the site is home of a rave party (!) and a group of friends end up trapped underground. 2 yrs? 2 yrs!? That's it? So the government sends a black ops team to an underground military bunker and everyone dies. So naturally that's it. Game over. Let's just forget everything about that place and keep going. No "hey, maybe we should go and check if someone got out of there alive" or something? Nah. The creatures we wanted dead will probably die of old age. Why bother, right? And that's only the beginning. I'm not going to say anything else because I don't wanna spoil "the fun" for any masochist out there, willing to waste 80+ minutes watching this thing. But you have characters doing the most dumb and unreasonable things. A couple of veteran soldiers that display no real knowledge of military tactics or anything useful whatsoever, other than telling sad war stories. Characters pulling "facts" and knowledge out of thin air, knowing things there's no way they could possibly know. Things happening one minute and other things contradicting the first ones happening on the next minute without any sort of rational explanation. There's even a scene where a guy takes off his shirt and do almost nothing for 3+ minutes just to show his abs (seriously, there's no real reason for it, not even in the scene's context that demands quickness and taking off your clothes will waste very valuable time). And I'm not even going to mention the dreadful & incoherent ending. I've seen bad movies with bad scripts. But this is one of the worst ones. The story here is like something a teenager wrote for a high school essay. I can't believe a professional writer did such an awful job.
This movie has zero redeeming qualities. Not even a couple of one liners or some cool jokes here & there. It's just plain bad. With emphasis on the plain aspect. There's really no reason to watch it. Not even to make fun of it. -1/10
Photography in this film is horrible. Acting is laughable. Music is bad. FX are mostly C grade, especially makeup & CGI (practical ones are kinda OK though). There's way better editing on an average YouTube video. And the acting is bad, bad, bad. Oh, did I already said that? Well...that's how bad it is.
But by far the worst offender here is the script. Some truly ghastly experiments created some really nasty creatures. So the movie starts with a really lame "search & destroy" military operation going bad. 2 years later the site is home of a rave party (!) and a group of friends end up trapped underground. 2 yrs? 2 yrs!? That's it? So the government sends a black ops team to an underground military bunker and everyone dies. So naturally that's it. Game over. Let's just forget everything about that place and keep going. No "hey, maybe we should go and check if someone got out of there alive" or something? Nah. The creatures we wanted dead will probably die of old age. Why bother, right? And that's only the beginning. I'm not going to say anything else because I don't wanna spoil "the fun" for any masochist out there, willing to waste 80+ minutes watching this thing. But you have characters doing the most dumb and unreasonable things. A couple of veteran soldiers that display no real knowledge of military tactics or anything useful whatsoever, other than telling sad war stories. Characters pulling "facts" and knowledge out of thin air, knowing things there's no way they could possibly know. Things happening one minute and other things contradicting the first ones happening on the next minute without any sort of rational explanation. There's even a scene where a guy takes off his shirt and do almost nothing for 3+ minutes just to show his abs (seriously, there's no real reason for it, not even in the scene's context that demands quickness and taking off your clothes will waste very valuable time). And I'm not even going to mention the dreadful & incoherent ending. I've seen bad movies with bad scripts. But this is one of the worst ones. The story here is like something a teenager wrote for a high school essay. I can't believe a professional writer did such an awful job.
This movie has zero redeeming qualities. Not even a couple of one liners or some cool jokes here & there. It's just plain bad. With emphasis on the plain aspect. There's really no reason to watch it. Not even to make fun of it. -1/10
- Orpheus_Unlimited
- May 11, 2018
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Being in the "biz" it was more or less evident to me that this film was unfinished and it's a shame that it was released this way since it had the potential to be a decent B horror flick.
Aside from some unremarkable acting (which is excusable when dealing with low budget horrors) the score and cinematography were competently executed. Make-up and special effects were decent aside from one horrendous CGI shot of snow. Where we get into trouble is in the edit.
An unforgivable number of scenes were disjointed and leaves the audience wondering "what is going on," "where am I now" or "who am I looking at?" I've seen such scenes before in what we call an assembly or rough cut. This is when the editor takes his/her first stab at a complete edit. It's usually after this that the production team gets a clear idea of what scenes need to be re-shot or what extra shots are needed to make the edit work or flow.
For whatever reason (lack of funding, actor availability, location no longer available, etc.) this was clearly not done which makes the film extremely frustrating to follow.
I recommend staying clear of this one. I'm a huge fan of horror films but I ended up fast forwarding the last 10 minutes just to get to the end because my brain got tired of trying to fill in the gaps.
Aside from some unremarkable acting (which is excusable when dealing with low budget horrors) the score and cinematography were competently executed. Make-up and special effects were decent aside from one horrendous CGI shot of snow. Where we get into trouble is in the edit.
An unforgivable number of scenes were disjointed and leaves the audience wondering "what is going on," "where am I now" or "who am I looking at?" I've seen such scenes before in what we call an assembly or rough cut. This is when the editor takes his/her first stab at a complete edit. It's usually after this that the production team gets a clear idea of what scenes need to be re-shot or what extra shots are needed to make the edit work or flow.
For whatever reason (lack of funding, actor availability, location no longer available, etc.) this was clearly not done which makes the film extremely frustrating to follow.
I recommend staying clear of this one. I'm a huge fan of horror films but I ended up fast forwarding the last 10 minutes just to get to the end because my brain got tired of trying to fill in the gaps.
- jfilmer-544-494694
- Dec 7, 2011
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- doorsscorpywag
- Dec 11, 2011
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"Underground" had potential to be great, but it never made it above less than mediocrity, sadly enough. Why? Well because of the lack of lighting. Now, I know that it was taking place in an underground bunker, but most of the scenes were so dark that it was hard to get a view of what was going on. Sure, it added to the realism of the lack of light far underneath the ground, but as a viewer of a movie, I would like to see what was going on. I didn't pay money to just sit around and look at poor-lit images all through an entire movie.
The story in "Underground" is the American government has been conducting secret experiments underground, gee - haven't we seen that before? And get this, of course there had to be some reference to notorious Dr. Mengele from World War II - just to add some diabolic twist to the storyline. Anyway, a bunch of young people are attending a rave at an abandoned military base - yep, you guessed it - the exact same military base where the government were conducting these inhuman experiments. After running afoul with gang-bangers, the people get trapped underground. But they aren't alone, they are being stalked by the genetically altered hybrids of man-beasts.
"Underground" had potential to be much more than it turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, the storyline - although cheesy and been seen numerous times before - wasn't all that bad. The storyline worked out well enough, and there was a great sense of claustrophobia and paranoia in the movie. But the complete lack of proper lighting really made the movie unbearable to sit through. Which was a shame.
As for the effects in the movie, well they were actually alright, and this subspecies of genetically altered humans were looking great. They did have that ferocious beastly quality to them. Just a shame they were mostly kept in the shadows or near-complete darkness most of the time.
"Underground" had a great ensemble of actors and actresses who did put on good performances. I think the only one I recognized in this movie was Jack Donner (playing Gunther). So it was nice to have a horror movie with a cast of fresh, new faces for a change.
Despite having potential, "Underground" never really kicked it off for me, because the lack of lighting really brought down the enjoyment of the movie. This style of keeping everything, and I do mean everything, in darkness is so early 1980's horror movie. It worked nicely back in the day, but today we want to see the dread and horror stalking us beneath the surface of the ground.
The story in "Underground" is the American government has been conducting secret experiments underground, gee - haven't we seen that before? And get this, of course there had to be some reference to notorious Dr. Mengele from World War II - just to add some diabolic twist to the storyline. Anyway, a bunch of young people are attending a rave at an abandoned military base - yep, you guessed it - the exact same military base where the government were conducting these inhuman experiments. After running afoul with gang-bangers, the people get trapped underground. But they aren't alone, they are being stalked by the genetically altered hybrids of man-beasts.
"Underground" had potential to be much more than it turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, the storyline - although cheesy and been seen numerous times before - wasn't all that bad. The storyline worked out well enough, and there was a great sense of claustrophobia and paranoia in the movie. But the complete lack of proper lighting really made the movie unbearable to sit through. Which was a shame.
As for the effects in the movie, well they were actually alright, and this subspecies of genetically altered humans were looking great. They did have that ferocious beastly quality to them. Just a shame they were mostly kept in the shadows or near-complete darkness most of the time.
"Underground" had a great ensemble of actors and actresses who did put on good performances. I think the only one I recognized in this movie was Jack Donner (playing Gunther). So it was nice to have a horror movie with a cast of fresh, new faces for a change.
Despite having potential, "Underground" never really kicked it off for me, because the lack of lighting really brought down the enjoyment of the movie. This style of keeping everything, and I do mean everything, in darkness is so early 1980's horror movie. It worked nicely back in the day, but today we want to see the dread and horror stalking us beneath the surface of the ground.
- paul_haakonsen
- Jun 2, 2012
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After a fight gets out of hand a group of friends run for cover but find themselves fighting for their lives against ravenous creatures lurking beneath their rave party.
Over dramatic, low budget horror flick that has some fantastic makeup and special effects in amongst the unnecessary fights,hammy dialogue and slow motion scenes.
Underground starts off very promising with the opening of an army squad fending off some nasty looking super genetic humanoids, then director Rafael Eisenman introduces us to an underground rave in an air hanger on a military base that goes on far too long. Writer Charles Morris Jr. borrows heavily from Marshall's Descent (2005) and Smith's Creep (2004).
Underground's weakest link is that it's not very tight and scenes are drawn out. It's well lit and shot with some good pumping tracks in the soundtrack.The score is a mixed bag there's some great music cues but then it borrows from familiar scores and overcooks them.
The young cast of actors including Eric Abercrombie and Mira Antonova do there best with the script. The Eli Wallach with a German accent lookalike aside - there's some nice touches, a creature bursting out of urinal, torn off ears, lobbed off arms, spooky tunnels and creepy corridors.
A lot of effort has clearly gone into Underground, it has a 'film' look and with some tighter editing it may have helped the viewing experience. Rafael Eisenman uses every film trick in the book and clearly has ability but it just isn't a polished enough production, nevertheless it's a lot bloodier, effective and atmospheric than the abundance of cheap looking horror DTV films.
Despite it's unevenness there's worst ways to burn a hour and a half.
Over dramatic, low budget horror flick that has some fantastic makeup and special effects in amongst the unnecessary fights,hammy dialogue and slow motion scenes.
Underground starts off very promising with the opening of an army squad fending off some nasty looking super genetic humanoids, then director Rafael Eisenman introduces us to an underground rave in an air hanger on a military base that goes on far too long. Writer Charles Morris Jr. borrows heavily from Marshall's Descent (2005) and Smith's Creep (2004).
Underground's weakest link is that it's not very tight and scenes are drawn out. It's well lit and shot with some good pumping tracks in the soundtrack.The score is a mixed bag there's some great music cues but then it borrows from familiar scores and overcooks them.
The young cast of actors including Eric Abercrombie and Mira Antonova do there best with the script. The Eli Wallach with a German accent lookalike aside - there's some nice touches, a creature bursting out of urinal, torn off ears, lobbed off arms, spooky tunnels and creepy corridors.
A lot of effort has clearly gone into Underground, it has a 'film' look and with some tighter editing it may have helped the viewing experience. Rafael Eisenman uses every film trick in the book and clearly has ability but it just isn't a polished enough production, nevertheless it's a lot bloodier, effective and atmospheric than the abundance of cheap looking horror DTV films.
Despite it's unevenness there's worst ways to burn a hour and a half.
- nogodnomasters
- Jul 4, 2017
- Permalink
Very very bad. Derivative of so many mutant creature-horror movies, especially The Descent. Predictable, unoriginal, pointless.
These kids are all supposed to be military or trained? 3 minutes in there's a fight and the fighting is worse than Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which I love). When the girl does a roundhouse kick on another girls face, I mentally checked out. I'm a former soldier. None of these attitudes or decision making is remotely military trained. Or any kind of trained. The over testosterone level guys are a bit much even for a Marine! All thumbs down, one star.
- takato0524
- Mar 6, 2021
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When I sat down to watch this movie I wasn't sure what to expect but about 10 minutes I realised what I had found. This is with out a doubt a must see, something that should passed to future generations and persevered in the cinematic history for all eternity. As for the ending well I wont spoil it for you. Please take the time to watch this amazing piece of art. You will experience the true definition of side splitting laughter. The actors do a fantastic job one in particular Sophia Pernas who is an incredible actress and Im sure that she has a long and lustrous career ahead of her. Although within saying that a shower/sex scene wouldn't have gone a miss.
When it started with a rave party I was wondering how this was gonna jump off, But it wasn't long before the situation turned ugly. The party just happened to be placed on top of an abandoned military bunker which served as the set for the entire film. The plot has a few problems but really managed to be an edge of your seat kind of movie, with lots of action and beasts that are highly developed & pretty damn scary. The end is done beautifully, It really has a true oh *beep* ending that makes you think. It wasn't as good as "The Descent" or "The Cave" but it still gives you that eerie feeling of trapped in pitch black with creatures hunting you. Definitely recommend to horror fans, it wasn't perfect but entertained till the end.
- Thrill_KillZ
- Dec 6, 2011
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A typical horror/action film that undercuts the budget and repels the audience by it's lack of direction. A group of young adults attend a rave, get chased into the underground and realize it is a Army bunker with only two ways out. What they don not see it that they are not alone.
The lighting and editing are very poorly done in this film, the storyboard very loose and unoriginal. NO outstanding performances, in fact most if not all seemed pushed and phoned in. I think the best part was the humanized creatures. The film had potential but quickly falls off pace. A misery of a 3 out of 10
The lighting and editing are very poorly done in this film, the storyboard very loose and unoriginal. NO outstanding performances, in fact most if not all seemed pushed and phoned in. I think the best part was the humanized creatures. The film had potential but quickly falls off pace. A misery of a 3 out of 10
- torstensonjohn
- Aug 21, 2018
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Typical horror/survival movie, a bunch of young folk trapped in an underground army base, facing zombie like creatures, with super human powers. This "Sitting Duck " cast is an attractive lot. But they are void of any real acting skills and the script is no help what so ever. Of course they wander through darkness, argue with one another and no horror movie would be complete without the "Hey! Lets Split Up" routine, that never works in any fright film. Now the good news is, the movie is made very well and there are some interesting moments and very professional camera work. So Underground turns out to be a cut above ground, give it a watch. It reminded me a bit of "Descent" only not half as good.
- narciso_lopez_jr
- Dec 25, 2011
- Permalink
The acting in this is dreadful. The story is a big cliché. Nothing new or original. The actor playing Storm Johnson is by far the worst. He starts the film with a Stetson (cowboy hat) (Who goes to a rave in a Stetson? Cringy.) and his acting is way over the top. I'm guessing he went way over the top because he didn't feel comfortable in the role. A person of Arabic ethnicity playing a cowboy? I just counldn't get comfortable with that. They should have picked someone with the right ethnicity or changed the role to suite him. I'm guessing pc had some part in casting for this movie. Also the way over the top macho behavior is really offputing too. Again cringy. I am aware it is a B movie and the actors aren't going to be brilliant but it is hard to like a film where the actors are so bad in so many ways.
what i thought is very awesome show. oh no is just a piece of crap. those guy never ever watch horror movie before. First, i summarize bunch of guys and girls enjoy party in US ARMY BIG WAREHOUSE AND BIG BASEMENT. As a girl butt has someone touch the trouble start and the trouble is keeping worse. So end out someone die kill by Intelligence mutant human being. So what the lesson we learn when from this show tell us DON'T SCREAM, DON'T FREAK OUT, DON'T SEX AND KISS in the underground. The babe is UN-sexy and no idea of acting. The rating is poor is much better if the intelligence mutant human being is a zombie and easily kill and the babes are dangerous and not easily scream as they sexy babe soldier.
This is one of the worst movies I have seen since Wes Cravens The Hills Have Eyes, it is a low budget rip off of The Decents. The acting is horrible, there are no characters to care about. I bought this second on blu ray real cheap, I thought I was getting a bargain but it is 84 minutes of my life I am never going to get back. There is only one gore scene in it that is good but it is only one, trust me this film is really stupid with stupid story, stupid characters and stupid cgi. It is not even worth the £1.50 I paid, I really was thing "oh please finish" The song at the end is OK I supposed, but take it from me you don't even want to watch it drunk, not even worth to put into Uwe Bolls bin.
- timothy-nickson
- Jun 28, 2014
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- djangozelf-12351
- Jul 31, 2015
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Some friends get into a nasty and potentially deadly fight at a rave, which just happens to be staged above a former US Military bunker. They escape into said bunker, which happens to be populated by a mad former WW2 Nazi scientist and his horrific mutant, killing machine mutants - or Trogs as he calls them. A previous attempt by Special Forces had failed to destroy these creatures, so what chance do our unarmed macho guys and hot chick girls have of survival? Well if you have nothing better to do and can can stomach 84 minutes of pretty weak acting, cheap effects, a dark, often shaky picture and complete unoriginality then Underground is what I call a once only view. There is plenty of action and it is pretty gory but the execution is far from good.
- Stevieboy666
- Sep 2, 2020
- Permalink
I get comparisons to THE CAVE & DESCENT because they are remote setting rare gems with an all out fight to the death. This movie doesn't have anywhere near their budgets but it is a b-movie that's very well done. If you are a real horror lover, then you know this genre is guilty of some of the worst made crap at times. This film has good action scenes, excellent creature makeup, good acting, and a claustrophobic locale. This is why we wade through the crap. Because we live for these kinds of rare gems.
- applegrrls
- Apr 2, 2020
- Permalink
Above average, just. Lot's of screaming girls. Some dialog is quiet and difficult to hear, if you turn up the volume, be prepared for a jump when the creature screams. I would watch it again.
- staunton-gary
- Oct 17, 2020
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- pantagruella
- May 24, 2015
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