Lou Diamond Phillips credited as playing...
Richard Ramirez
- Richard Ramirez: Even psychopaths have emotions if you dig deep enough. Then again, maybe they don't.
- Richard Ramirez: Lucifer has never felt the need to be seen, but in everyone's soul, he can be felt. Well, if he can be felt in everyone's soul, then why doesn't everyone believe in him? Because people don't want to know what's truly in their souls.
- Richard Ramirez: You want to be controlled by me, Katherine? Hmm? You like to think because you're so cleaned up on the outside, no one can see how dirty you are on the inside. But I see it. I know what you really want from me.
- Richard Ramirez: Those things happen here in polite society, you get the death sentence. They happen with the enemy, you get a Medal of Honor. Killing is killing, whether done for profit, duty, or fun.
- Richard Ramirez: People need to recognize what they're good at naturally. There's a lot of misery caused in this world by people who aren't true to their nature.
- Kit: And what is your nature?
- Richard Ramirez: Evil
- Richard Ramirez: What do you do with your hate and anger? Did you ever want to act on it? To kill someone? This is the problem with you. I don't care about you. You give me no reason to. And I bet you don't give anyone else a reason either. Maybe that's why you're all alone. Maybe it has nothing to do with choice. Maybe you spend so much of your life hiding who you really are that you ended up being no one.