- Sandy Rosen: [from another room] Josh, is that you?
- Josh Rosen: No, Mom, it's a burglar who just happens to have keys to the front door.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [splattered with food] You... you GEEK! This is designer!
- Josh Rosen: No, it's tuna noodle casserole.
- Dylan Schoenfield: You are so gah-ross!
- Josh Rosen: "Gross" is just one syllable.
- Josh Rosen: [at clothes shopping emporium] So this is what you do after school?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Shopping improves the economy.
- Josh Rosen: Oh. How... thoughtful.
- Dylan Schoenfield: I know, right? I care.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [rusty VW Golf made up of spare parts] This is yours? And it runs? On real gas?
- Josh Rosen: She's a little old.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Old? This thing is, like, prehistoric. You know, somewhere a caveman is missing his car.
- [waits for him to open door:]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Hello?
- [he does]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Thank you.
- Josh Rosen: Sorry, guys. I got stuck in traffic on the diva freeway.
- Steven: Wow. Where's your lunch?
- Josh Rosen: Dylan Schoenfield's wearing it. Yeah, my food went were no mere mortal has gone before. The Ramp.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Lola and Hannah see me as their leader, and a leader should never show weakness. That would be tres mauvais - that's French for "ew."
- Josh Rosen: Like, shocker: not everyone's into the same things you are?
- Dylan Schoenfield: I find that hard to believe.
- Dylan Schoenfield: So, is your car gonna start this time or...?
- Josh Rosen: The fun is in the mystery.
- Josh Rosen: So, Populars only hang with Populars?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Cats don't hang with dogs, right?
- Josh Rosen: Really? THAT'S your argument?
- Dylan Schoenfield: It's better this way. If everyone stays with their own group, there's no chance for misunderstandings.
- Dylan Schoenfield: I can't believe that popular people like me are forced to share the same air space as nerd herders like you!
- Josh Rosen: I prefer the term 'film geek.'
- Josh Rosen: Why so determined to be Blossom Queen?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Because it's the best way to ensure lifelong popularity.
- Josh Rosen: Aren't you already popular?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Let me ask you this: does Sunshine Lemonade advertise?
- Josh Rosen: Yeah, they have the commercial with the waterskiing penguins.
- Lola: Oh, I like the penguins!
- [catches herself and clams up uncomfortably]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Sunshine is already number one. They don't need to advertise but they do to STAY number one. Get it?
- Josh Rosen: Got it.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Good.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [selecting ultra-high heels] Hate it, have it, have it, have it, have it, hate it, I'll try some on just for fun.
- Josh Rosen: So, how many pairs of shoes do you need?
- Dylan Schoenfield: One pair for each day of the year. Why? How many pairs do you own?
- Josh Rosen: You're looking at them.
- [his shoes are those that got sodden and stained in the mall fountain]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Clearly. Totes tragique.
- Alan Schoenfield: Well, sweetie, what do you think? Should I turn this place into a Sparkles Cupcakes or Accessories Barn?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Dad, anyone who buys their accessories in a barn is totes tragique. I vote for Cupcakes, it gives it more of a glam factor.
- Alan Schoenfield: And that's why you're my top advisor.
- [cellphone beeps]
- Alan Schoenfield: You know what? I'm gonna have to head back to the office for a late meeting.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Whatevs. Oh, I need to borrow your marketing team.
- Alan Schoenfield: Marketing team? Why?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Blossom Queen. It's essential. I need signs, brochures, headshots.
- Alan Schoenfield: Oh, well, absolutely not.
- Dylan Schoenfield: But Nicole Paterson has the whole varsity and JV football team making posters for her campaign.
- Alan Schoenfield: Yes, and you have ingenuity. If you wanna win, you have to do this on your own. You're a smart girl. You gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
- [kisses her, and as he leaves, talks on cellphone:]
- Alan Schoenfield: Yes, this is Alan.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [back at home, by herself] Bootstraps? What does that even mean? Uh, hello, boots have zippers. I should know, I tried on seventeen pairs at Shoes Unlimited last week, and none of the sixteen pairs I bought had straps.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [re Serge Sanchez, her named handbag] It's imported leather.
- Lola: Imported from where?
- Dylan Schoenfield: Somewhere foreign with lots of shipping costs. Duh?
- Hannah: Yeah, probably Italy. Duh?
- Dylan Schoenfield: My Serge Sanchez!
- Josh Rosen: You named your purse?
- [she makes a grab for it, but he pulls it away]
- Josh Rosen: Not so fast! I have a proposal for you.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Whatever it is, the answer is N-O, spells "no way."
- [looks back at her friends, giggles]
- Josh Rosen: Can I at least propose the proposal first?
- [she exhales irritatedly]
- Josh Rosen: I want you to star in my movie for the film festival.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Oh! What? Star? Oh, what's it all... What's it about?
- Josh Rosen: You. Your life. You know, what it's like to be popular and run for Blossom Queen.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [on dance-floor] Oh.
- [chuckles]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Hi.
- Josh Rosen: [smiles] Hi.
- Dylan Schoenfield: You won Film Festival.
- Josh Rosen: You won Blossom Queen.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [shakes her head] I couldn't have done it without you.
- Josh Rosen: Same here.
- Dylan Schoenfield: Amy showed me the whole movie.
- Josh Rosen: Oh, you finally called it "the movie."
- Dylan Schoenfield: [smiles] Our movie.
- Josh Rosen: [smiles] So, does it have a happy ending?
- Dylan Schoenfield: [shakes her head] You tell me.
- [they kiss happily]
- Dylan Schoenfield: [crowned Blossom Queen] Oh! Recently a documentary was made about me and I know some of you may have seen it. Um... I would like to give you all an update.
- [tearfully:]
- Dylan Schoenfield: I was wrong about that cats and dogs stuff.
- [exhales]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Popularity isn't about having everyone know about who you are or what you're wearing or
- [exhales]
- Dylan Schoenfield: even winning Blossom Queen.
- [sniffles]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Popularly is about having real friends who like you for you. Not faux ones who ditch you because a better offer came along, or bailed on you because you became single and didn't have a date to Spring Formal any more.
- [Lola and Hannah share guilty looks]
- Dylan Schoenfield: It's about real friends.
- [Amy smiles happily]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Who you can count on. Even if it's been, like, forever and they have pink hair and stuff.
- [giggles, as does Amy]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Friends who might not always be into the same things you are, but will always be there to share an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink sundae. It's not about being popular...
- [shakes her head]
- Dylan Schoenfield: or a geek. It's about being around people who make you happy.
- [nods]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Like how I feel about Josh Rosen.
- Dylan Schoenfield: [speaking to the camera] I'm happy to see Josh, but I kinda wish he was on his own so we could hang out more.
- [shivers]
- Dylan Schoenfield: Weird, right?