- TV Series
- 2021
The plot of the series "Framed" follows the events in the life of the twelfth grade student Arthur. Growing up in a conservative family, Mother Diana wants her son to fulfill her dream of a ... Read allThe plot of the series "Framed" follows the events in the life of the twelfth grade student Arthur. Growing up in a conservative family, Mother Diana wants her son to fulfill her dream of a career in the arts. However, Arthur is not interested in classical art, since the age of f... Read allThe plot of the series "Framed" follows the events in the life of the twelfth grade student Arthur. Growing up in a conservative family, Mother Diana wants her son to fulfill her dream of a career in the arts. However, Arthur is not interested in classical art, since the age of fourteen he alone draws graffiti and dreams of becoming the most famous street artist in La... Read all