Two patients experience mind blowing medical consultations. First, a doting nan to 23 grandchildren tries to understand why Covid-19 hit her so hard. Then a former flight attendant whose prostate has enlarged so much that he is in agony.
A singer struggling with a thyroid nodule affecting her voice and an American now living in the UK whose diet is restricted because of gallstones both take a 3 dimensional look inside their bodies at a state-of-the-art hub.
A mother in her seventies whose adventurous lifestyle has ground to a halt because of a spine problem and a French woman now residing in the UK who discovered she had breast cancer while pregnant, both receive virtual consultations.
A young woman with debilitating endometriosis and a man who has a problem with his kidneys come face to face with the source of their pain in their individual virtual consultations.
Two patients are helped to understand their medical conditions with the aid of the latest technology. They are an active man, dealing with the aftermath of a severe stroke and a lady in her 70's whose back pain turned out to be cancer.