After eviscerating himself, Neil begins to fall off the dock. In the next shot, from Christine's perspective, he appears to dive.
After Neil first stabs himself and pulls the blade out, the blood on the blade is unrealistic, appearing more like a line of blood along the top of the blade.
During at least one radio broadcast, the incoming storm is referred to as a typhoon. Typhoons are only formed over the Northwest Pacific Ocean.
Typhoon is the correct term for a storm hitting Thailand which happens roughly 10 times a year.
Typhoon is the correct term for a storm hitting Thailand which happens roughly 10 times a year.
(at 57 minutes) In the car, Sam says to Christine that the island hasn't seen a storm in 200 years, as another character said earlier in the film. As Sam finishes saying this, the newscaster says that it will be the worst storm of the year and in over a decade, but no mention of 200 years. [when the islanders mention it they're talking specifically about that island. It's entirely possible that the broadcast was coming from another location where storms hit more frequently and is referring to the general area, not just the island]
It is highly suspect that a tiny, remote, exotic island with a small populace and few tourists would have ultrasound technology. Christine is under the influence of a hallucinogenic drink. Everything she sees, including an ultrasound, would be highly questionable. In fact, she even accuses Samantha of never seeing an ultrasound before shortly after.
(at 43 minutes) It appears that there are only three children facing the couple. One child runs to Christine, while three children run around Neil and Christine. If there were four children in the previous shot, then the fourth was obstructed by Christine, and the scene was poorly established.