I received an e-mail from my cousin with a link to "Lovefield" and comparing this short to Alfred Hitchcock's style. After watching it, I found a tense and suspenseful short with a surprising plot point.
In Hedren Hill County, in a windy cornfield in the proximity of Bishopville, a crow caws over a signalling plate. In the cornfield, a cellphone, money and a purse are dispersed on the land and a woman with blood on the foot is crying in pain. Out of the blue, the woman stops crying and a man with blood on the hands stabs a knife on the field. He runs to a car left on the road with the driver door opened and nervous, he opens the truck and brings a blanket back to the cornfield towards the woman that lies on the field with spreaded legs. The mystery is solved in the next scene.
The debut of the unknown director, writer, producer and editor Mathieu Ratthe is very impressive, with a concise screenplay, magnificent camera-work exploring unusual angles, wonderful cinematography and a great soundtrack. The twist from death to life is awesome and it is worth to the reader to watch this five and something minutes short in the Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=4meeZifCVro). My vote is eight.
Title (Brazil): Available in Youtube