In this reality series, we are introduced to six Miami housewives featuring Lea Black (the mother figure or unofficial leader) whose husband is a famous defense attorney. They have one son and live in beautiful Coral Gables. She is perhaps the only non-Hispanic in this group. There is Marysol Patton who runs a Public Relations firm and handles big clients. She is the one with the lips and her mother has the same lips who it's hereditary. Her mother cracks me up as she sits there drinking wine and talking to her daughter. Larsa is married to Scotty Pippen, a retired Chicago Bulls basketball player, with four children. Adriana is an art gallery own with a son from a previous marriage and is engaged to Frederick. Adriana is Brazilian and well-educated. Cristy Rice was married and now divorced. I dislike her most of all because she thinks she's all that but she's not. Alexia is Cuban American who had the pig roast which I had to turn away from. I'm forgetting somebody of course since they are six. Oh well, this show follows the same format as all the other housewives show do. They show the wealthiest housewives who have charities, nannies, and servants themselves. I wanted to watch it because I wanted to see what life is really like in Miami, Florida. It's beautiful, water, and weather and great if you're wealthy too.