- Touched to the depths of his being by the death of his child in a car accident nine years earlier, Jacques has lost his bearings. For this loss is all the more difficult to stand as Jacques was driving the car in which his son was killed. His relationship did not survive the tragedy and Jacques left, traveling far from the place where his and his wife's happiness was shattered. Now Jacques is back in France for the funeral of his father. In the meantime his wife has started a new life and has a new child.—Guy Bellinger
- After nine long years of absence, Jacques now in his fifties, returns to France for his fathers funeral and tries to get back into his former lovers life Mado. Now married and mother of a seven year old boy Paul, Mado is suspicious of resuming ties with Jacques. However the couple's past relationship is tainted with the loss of their four year-old child in a terrible accident. The pain of their sons death inevitably led to the couples split all those years ago.
Now affection begins to grow between Jacques and little Paul eventually disturbing Mado. After helping Paul fix his bike in basement of the apartment block where he lives, Jacques discovers a box of toys that belonged to his dead son. In an attempt to become closer to Paul and Mado, and despite the presence of a husband, Jacques moves into the basement.
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