Ruth Vega Fernandez credited as playing...
Mia Sundström
- [Mia and Frida had just had sex again]
- Frida: Mia... I think you lied to me.
- Mia: About what?
- Frida: I can't be the first girl you've been with.
- Mia: [beat] No. Is it that obvious?
- Frida: It is. I thought about it when we were on Fyn, too. Why didn't you tell me? Are you ashamed?
- Mia: No. I just never thought I'd feel this way again.
- Frida: Did you love her?
- Mia: Would you be jealous if I said yes?
- Frida: Yes, absolutely. Does Tim know?
- Mia: No. It was a long time before him. I've never cheated on him... before now.
- Frida: I want to be with you all the time, but I don't want to be someone that you cheat on Tim with.
- Mia: I know it's none of my business...
- Frida: Go ahead and ask.
- Mia: You and Oskar... Are you dating or something?
- Frida: What?
- Mia: I don't know. It just seems...
- Frida: What's it to you? Is it the age difference you're concerned about?
- Mia: Excuse me, "What's it to me?" We're about to become a family. Don't you think it's a little...
- Frida: Come off it. We don't have the same parents. You're making it sound like incest.
- [notes Mia turning away from the conversation]
- Frida: But I've got to say, your little brother is awesome in bed.
- Frida: Are you angry with me?
- Mia: I like you so much, Frida, but I'm all turned around inside.
- Frida: I understand, but I'm here. You can talk to me.
- Mia: Frida, I love Tim.
- Frida: I don't believe that.
- Mia: We've built a life together.
- Frida: I know you have feelings for me.
- Mia: I'm marrying Tim in a few months. I can't feel this way. Don't you see? I just can't.
- Frida: [after a long pause] Then you'll just have to keep on living with him.
- Mia: We could live like this, couldn't we? This is almost like a shoebox.
- Frida: I wouldn't want it to be like this. It's not real. We're locking ourselves away from real life.
- Mia: It's hard for me, Frida. I'm not brave like you. I just wish people wouldn't ask questions.
- Frida: [short pause] I want them to ask questions. I'm proud of you. I want to show the world how much I love you.