This is a show about a man who believes himself to be a celebrity of our community when he is regarded here as nothing more than a doctor who gets or buys his way out of trouble and NEVER pays his bills. He is an unconvicted criminal in my opinion because he is nothing more than a reckless and careless human being that think because of his connections is above the law and for the most part he has gotten away with almost everything he has every done in violation of the law. His fame may how come outside of Manchester but here most of our community really don't like or want this man here let alone practice medicine here. I for one would not want to see this show. I think any fool that invests in his show is only going to be taken for a ride. This show would be nothing short of a miserable failure and I for one can't wait to see it fall flat on its face as well as finally see this man convicted of the crimes against the lawfully citizens of this county and state. If you must watch this show please do so only after you fully research both the man and the doctor. Look for yourself and you will find more charges against the doctor and now the man. While filming here in Manchester he endangered motorists lives by driving on the wrong side of a busy highway into on-coming traffic as well and driving up on sidewalks. This menace has to be stopped.