I was employed at a VA Hospital for two years. No matter what department you are in, you get to know some of the guys who are there on a regular basis. Hard to admit, but this is an all to frequent tale of someone unable to adapt once they make it home. It may be a bit dramatic or theatrical in places, but that's the idea of a fiction I guess. I just felt the need to say that from my experience, the plot of this film is not too far fetched to be believable. I wish I had a solution to the problem addressed in the story, but I don't think there is one beyond ending all conflict, which is never going to happen. As long as people are sent to fight the battles of more powerful people, these issues will persist. At least someone took the initiative to address it in a narrative form, which will make a lot more people aware of it that otherwise would be. This is not an action thriller as it's made out to be, but certainly worth the watch.