- A comedic live talk show, aired 1994 on federal Austrian broadcasting TV, with main hosts Oliver Bayer and Gerald Votava, accompanied by Clemens Haipl as "Tonne" (trashcan), Helmut Sommer as "orchestra", and Heidi, the cameraman.
- A comedic Sunday live talk show, aired in 1994 on the federal Austrian broadcasting channel ORF 1, with main hosts Oliver Bayer and Gerald Votava, accompanied by Clemens Haipl as "Tonne" (trashcan), Helmut Sommer as "orchestra", and Heidi, the cameraman. The show features mockumentary-style reports as well as live contests between phone callers, who play not so serious games to become the (singular) studio audience member in the next episode. In-between the satirical political commentary, reports and live games, the show features pop music videos of this era, as well as celebrity guests. The show, with its progressive format, its political satire and unconventional camerawork has been awarded, but at the same time triggered a lot of negative responses from audiences - which are picked up in a satiric fashion.
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