A preface I don't think is brought up in any other reviews, this movie seemingly grew out of a video series from the mid 2000s called Lars the Emo. It's only loosely based on it and it's tonally very different. But I think it's important context.
It's important because for a movie made in 2015 this movie just has that quintessential 2000s charm. It's written and shot like a webseries from that period. Big time The Guild vibes, a series I'm also a huge fan of. And for all its references and tropes it might as well be from then. Nickelback, beatboxing, George Bush is president, dumb YouTube video callbacks, even the weird rawr so randumb way some of the emo characters act is exactly how I remember them at school. I'm pretty sure I even saw a Blackberry.
It's a time capsule, meticulous in its intent and competent in execution. You could make a drinking game out of the period references. Funny thing is, when this came out, the 2000s only ended half a decade ago. Now it's nearly a decade and a half, and that nostalgia is starting to kick in big time.
This movie does have some serious subject matter. But I'm not gonna say the off kilter tone of the movie really detracts from it. If anything, it's just remaining loyal to its whole 2000s vibe. This stuff wasn't taken as serious back then. I think the 2000s was the last carefree decade before reality started to kick in.
I remember growing up in the 2000s. Terrorist attacks, the Kyoto Protocol, the looming recession. They felt like blips on the radar. Nobody took them seriously yet. Suicide, mental health stuff, it wasn't a huge deal either. Everyone was in a fugue because the bubble hadn't burst yet. Take the guidance counselor for example. That's where emo sorta came from it seems, because the bubble had burst for them, and it's why it makes sense to have one as a main character in what is a tribute to an entire decade.
All this is wrapped up in an otherwise standard high school coming of age story. On this budget, I'd say they did a damn good job.