23 reviews
I like Sean a lot. The way he gives people celebrity names, according to how they look is cute. The most annoying part is Lori and Brandon. Why do Lori and Brandon act like they are the only ones who should win a locker or they're going to fight if they don't? The show needs new blood. And not someone borrowed from another show. I noticed that the show a
Is trying but come on. Let someone else win lockers besides those two. I do like most of the regulars. If Brandon wants to fight all of the time..kick him out.. why doesn't he and Lori get kicked out? Let someone else shine for a while. Otherwise. Entertaining reality show.
- diemeatball
- Oct 5, 2013
- Permalink
Brandon's wife Lori, is such a sore loser when they get outbid. And just plain LOSER!!!! The way she treats Newbies like it is The Lori Show is crude, rude, and she is just a unhappy Bi&**8. Every time I watch I just want to slap in just once in the face. Newbies are trying to make a living too!!!! Like myself. Up here in Maine at Storages we all know each other & respect each other, because we all know we are trying to make a living. We also have Our Storage Hunter's Annual Christmas Party @ someone different house each year & watch Storage Hunters & laugh at them. Tell you about this my husband & I are in our sixties & we hit the mother load of bins last years at a moving & storage company. At first look you would think ( GARBAGE), but we thought about the boxes and bins about 16 in all the stuff you could see was junk. But we decided to bid on it if it went cheap. Well we got it for 250.00. And we found a Black Widow Pendent had it appraised the guy bought it from us on the spot for 35,000.00. God Bless All
- cindywilley44
- Oct 25, 2013
- Permalink
- cheeseface1
- May 6, 2012
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Yet again, another network scores with a hit, and TRU tries to capitalize and a cheap imitation, and FAILS miserably. They give you NOBODY on the show who is even worth rooting for as an underdog. Where as on A&E, everyone seems to find something likable in most of the participants (even the "Villains"). In this version, there is absolutely nobody worth liking.
When I watch this (and ONLY when there's zero else on the TV), I honestly hope everyone goes broke each and every time (and that includes the auctioneer). That's how little anyone on this show Heck, the Baggage hunters show has at least one likable set of participants. But not here.
If this one could get negative stars for their rating, that's what they would get.
When I watch this (and ONLY when there's zero else on the TV), I honestly hope everyone goes broke each and every time (and that includes the auctioneer). That's how little anyone on this show Heck, the Baggage hunters show has at least one likable set of participants. But not here.
If this one could get negative stars for their rating, that's what they would get.
- Mark_Stone
- Dec 2, 2013
- Permalink
I watched a few episodes of storage hunters and found myself hating everyone that appears on the show! There has to be someone you like and follow on any show but the main characters, the husband and wife team are just awful backward idiots that are unwatchable! I wouldn't waste my time reviewing this show but I just turned the Chanel and this show was on and I happened to see a few minutes of it until it angered me so much that I had to write this! The people are rude stupid and aggressive and I can't stand the show! I understand that these shows are not legitimate so I really hope that these people are not as stupid as they appear here in real life! This show is utterly unwatchable !
- bellab1972
- Jan 11, 2013
- Permalink
This show is awful. The husband-wife couple are tacky. Brandon and Lori do not have very good interpersonal skills. Lori acts like an hick. Sean,the auctioneer is a poor excuse for an auctioneer. If a person listens to a professional auctioneer, they would realize how bad he is. He just trills his tongue in between bids. The producers need to send Sean to auctioneer school. The interaction between the principals is such poor acting. Also do not not care for the way the auctioneer is present when the bidders go through the storage units. A poor imitation of Storage Wars!!!! A waste of good TV time. Can the producers/show developers need to come up with new ideas for shows instead of making knockoff shows!!!!!
storage hunters would be better if Brandon took off the dark glasses and saw what he lives with,,Lorrie the troll, she could be doing with some liposuction and some duck tape on her horrible droning moaning voice,,her face trips her if things don't go her way,,Get your act together and trade her in for a better model as she looks well past her sell by date i like Jesse / T money and the rest of the crew but Lorrie would be better of signing into weight watchers and going for a face transplant and honing her irritating drone like it when Jesse and the hillbilly brothers give her character ,,she is brain damage and should be out on her ear,,,,GET RID OF THE MOANING STANK MONSTER
- konnie8496
- May 16, 2014
- Permalink
Storage Hunters is a reality show about people that bid on abandoned storage bins around the USA. The locations differ from episode to episode, sometimes being in the desert, others in the city and occasionally in the docks. What I have learned from these shows is as follows:
1) There is only one auctioneer in the whole of America
It is a bald man called Sean. He waves his arms around and goes "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" a lot. He wears a 'Staff' T-shirt but, seeing as he flogs stuff at a different location on every show, must be hired at a lot of places simultaneously. He fist-bumps people and thinks of looky-likey type nicknames for the unnamed, non-bidding crowd members in an entirely, 100% genuine, non-scripted way. Sean is my hero.
2) There are only five people who are permitted to bid on auctions in America
They are a husband and wife team with all the personality of a spit- drenched rag, a black guy that shouts "Money!" a lot, a man with a big beard, a guy with big sideburns and some old redneck guy. They all hate each other for no discernible reason. Other people are allowed to watch, but they can neither bid on nor win anything.
3) Winning auctions in America makes people angry
Whenever anyone stops bidding, someone else wins. The losers then get angry at the winners even though they could have kept bidding and won themselves. I don't understand why they feel the need to do this, but at least I now feel suitably prepared for an auction situation in the future.
4) There is only one person in America who is qualified enough to snip through a padlock with some bolt cutters
His name is Green Mile and he hangs around with Sean. He must be a hugely skilled professional or why else would the producers pay for him to travel the country just to perform one menial task? Green Mile is my hero.
5) Every storage bin in America is required by law to contain a load of seemingly worthless junk, with one piece of incredibly valuable loot hidden somewhere at the back.
Think it's all dog food? Wrong - there is a diamond-encrusted collar in a tiny box under a bag of kibbles. Think it's all cuddly toys? No - you'll find an Electric Supercar in there somewhere if you look hard enough. I like this rule. It makes every auction ultimately pay off.
6) In America, no matter where you are in the Country, it is possible to somehow instantaneously summon up an expert in anything you can find in a random box-full of crap.
"Hey, look! I've bought an old propeller! I know a guy who can tell me everything there is to know about this. I'll call him now, and he'll be here immediately. Even though I'm from Boston and am currently in Palm Springs". That kind of thing.
7) People who buy stuff at clearance auctions are qualified to value anything off the top of their heads
Bidder: "What is it?"
Sean the Auctioneer: "It's an old door"
Bidder: "This is worth seven hundred bucks!"
Note - 3 seconds earlier he didn't even know what it was. Now he can value it to the dollar. It's like auction magic!
Well, there you go - the 7 rules to American auctions.
Trust me: Reality TV doesn't get much more reality-er than this.
1) There is only one auctioneer in the whole of America
It is a bald man called Sean. He waves his arms around and goes "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" a lot. He wears a 'Staff' T-shirt but, seeing as he flogs stuff at a different location on every show, must be hired at a lot of places simultaneously. He fist-bumps people and thinks of looky-likey type nicknames for the unnamed, non-bidding crowd members in an entirely, 100% genuine, non-scripted way. Sean is my hero.
2) There are only five people who are permitted to bid on auctions in America
They are a husband and wife team with all the personality of a spit- drenched rag, a black guy that shouts "Money!" a lot, a man with a big beard, a guy with big sideburns and some old redneck guy. They all hate each other for no discernible reason. Other people are allowed to watch, but they can neither bid on nor win anything.
3) Winning auctions in America makes people angry
Whenever anyone stops bidding, someone else wins. The losers then get angry at the winners even though they could have kept bidding and won themselves. I don't understand why they feel the need to do this, but at least I now feel suitably prepared for an auction situation in the future.
4) There is only one person in America who is qualified enough to snip through a padlock with some bolt cutters
His name is Green Mile and he hangs around with Sean. He must be a hugely skilled professional or why else would the producers pay for him to travel the country just to perform one menial task? Green Mile is my hero.
5) Every storage bin in America is required by law to contain a load of seemingly worthless junk, with one piece of incredibly valuable loot hidden somewhere at the back.
Think it's all dog food? Wrong - there is a diamond-encrusted collar in a tiny box under a bag of kibbles. Think it's all cuddly toys? No - you'll find an Electric Supercar in there somewhere if you look hard enough. I like this rule. It makes every auction ultimately pay off.
6) In America, no matter where you are in the Country, it is possible to somehow instantaneously summon up an expert in anything you can find in a random box-full of crap.
"Hey, look! I've bought an old propeller! I know a guy who can tell me everything there is to know about this. I'll call him now, and he'll be here immediately. Even though I'm from Boston and am currently in Palm Springs". That kind of thing.
7) People who buy stuff at clearance auctions are qualified to value anything off the top of their heads
Bidder: "What is it?"
Sean the Auctioneer: "It's an old door"
Bidder: "This is worth seven hundred bucks!"
Note - 3 seconds earlier he didn't even know what it was. Now he can value it to the dollar. It's like auction magic!
Well, there you go - the 7 rules to American auctions.
Trust me: Reality TV doesn't get much more reality-er than this.
- mrcheesewright
- Jun 4, 2013
- Permalink
American reality TV at it's finest editing. The show goes out of it's way to show you the very worst of the "characters". Not one person here is likeable and there are staged events to keep things lively. In the very first episode a bomb went off as they opened a storage unit... are you serious? In another they found a naked guy inside the unit with some lame excuse that it was a drunken prank.
People fight constantly and it's dramatized for the cameras.
Thing is, it's addictive. You keep wondering what's in the next unit, and the next, and the next! Don't watch this crap, you will get hooked to a really bad show.
People fight constantly and it's dramatized for the cameras.
Thing is, it's addictive. You keep wondering what's in the next unit, and the next, and the next! Don't watch this crap, you will get hooked to a really bad show.
- hjalsayegh
- Nov 20, 2018
- Permalink
It's literally just a bunch of fat typical Americans fighting and dropping large amounts of money on each unit. The characters are absolutely horrible. The main couple is just a fat, irritating, typical American while her husband is just a jack a$$ with an anger problem. The auctioneer is so over-hyped about everything. He also just constantly trills his tongue during each auction and it gets unbearable about half way through an episode.The black guy is so desperate to be memorable that he uses his catchphrase (or rather catch word, "MONEY!", whenever something good happens. The worst part is that he says this probably 20-30 times per episode and sometimes more as he says this to bid a lot. Then there's that greasy bastard with the pork chops and cheap sunglasses. It's so obvious that he's trying to be the Dave Hester of this show it's sickening. All he does is crank the price up on each unit then get in a fight with the main guy. There's one more guy but he's just another fat cock with no skill in anything. All he does is make horrible jokes alluding to his drinking problem, unattractive ex-girlfriends and his weight but rarely buys anything. All in all it's just another shitty storage auction show but the one thing that makes it unique from ANY other show in history is how horrible the characters are and the show is at least 50% fighting.
- james_rubarb
- Jun 17, 2013
- Permalink
This guy Brandon, you can tell how verbal abuse is he with his wife. I like shows like this, I just like this guy at all. He acts like an asshole, sees his wife down, does not look like has any respect for her, have NO idea how she can deal with him.
It was entertaining for a short while. I know all these shows are about the drama but this was just plain silly. Pretty much everyone acts like a child; when they aren't assaulting each other.
One guy knows so little about things that the auctioneer has to go through his stuff with him to tell him what it is and what it is worth. Another actually ducks behind people and shouts out bids and then goes "that wasn't me, that was them".
Whenever anyone gets outbid they act like the person that won wronged them somehow. I'm surprised any of these people are married with as mean as they are to each other.
One guy knows so little about things that the auctioneer has to go through his stuff with him to tell him what it is and what it is worth. Another actually ducks behind people and shouts out bids and then goes "that wasn't me, that was them".
Whenever anyone gets outbid they act like the person that won wronged them somehow. I'm surprised any of these people are married with as mean as they are to each other.
Sometimes, I don't know what the appeal is in certain reality show genres. In the case with this show, it's a bunch of peeps opening up storage lockers and seeing what's inside. This show is easily the worst of it's type, and for whatever reason, this show was extremely popular in the United Kingdom to the point that Dave, it's broadcaster, commissioned a UK version of the show. I haven't seen it but I can speculate it's pretty much the same show just with different people.
So, TruTV's Storage Hunters centres on these people who- well, I just explained it above. The only other things to note about it is about how acted to the point that it puts the other storage shows to shame. The fights are so cheesily awful that it makes it feels like you're watching WWE than anything else. Also, the constant bleeping is incredibly annoying. Feels like an excuse for the people on this show to swear for the sake of swearing.
In reality, all this show feels is actors acting like they have such big egos that they just open up storage lockers and beat up those who aren't buying or whatever. This is nothing more than a wrapped up garbage bag that hasn't been thrown out into the bin for three years - which is exactly what TruTV did right there.
So, TruTV's Storage Hunters centres on these people who- well, I just explained it above. The only other things to note about it is about how acted to the point that it puts the other storage shows to shame. The fights are so cheesily awful that it makes it feels like you're watching WWE than anything else. Also, the constant bleeping is incredibly annoying. Feels like an excuse for the people on this show to swear for the sake of swearing.
In reality, all this show feels is actors acting like they have such big egos that they just open up storage lockers and beat up those who aren't buying or whatever. This is nothing more than a wrapped up garbage bag that hasn't been thrown out into the bin for three years - which is exactly what TruTV did right there.
Horrible demonic show. Should promote Jesus but choose to glorify Lucifer. God Is aware of this filth.
We are living in end times, Repent quickly. Roman's 10:9,10,13. One day Hollywood will burn for all their evil.
Hell is real and it's no party. Hope they end this show sooner rather than later.
Today's episode was my 1st and my last time ever watching this show.. it's a fraud fake show anyway with stuff planted in certain lockers.
Hope the cast members go to church and find God before the 2nd coming or at least during tribulation. But one can only pray for them.
Have a good life and find God.
We are living in end times, Repent quickly. Roman's 10:9,10,13. One day Hollywood will burn for all their evil.
Hell is real and it's no party. Hope they end this show sooner rather than later.
Today's episode was my 1st and my last time ever watching this show.. it's a fraud fake show anyway with stuff planted in certain lockers.
Hope the cast members go to church and find God before the 2nd coming or at least during tribulation. But one can only pray for them.
Have a good life and find God.
- carolhardman-07330
- Nov 16, 2023
- Permalink
The original series is fun with well balanced different characters. This? Jerry Springer at its worst.
- justjjjudy
- Oct 4, 2023
- Permalink
I've only just discovered this pulsating show as a friend recommended it to me and i'm glad he did, it's amazing entertainment!! Sean Kelly is a world class auctioneer with a quite unique style of auctioning which results in maximum value for entertainment. I admit that Brandon and Lori are a bit annoying as the show is revolved around them and the title sequence should include more people or none at all. T Money is the best, no questions asked. Papa Bear's random high bids are somewhat ridiculous but still funny. Scott and Christie are good competition and spice things up nicely. Desert Dan is a cool character whom I support greatly. Jesse is a dark horse and you can be sure that he'll always be thereabouts. The new bold Mexican guys look like they can cause some hassle within the group but maybe not on the scale of the those rough Texans. I also would like to see some of the bidders at the back win a few bins just to give purpose to those people. Finally, the Blind Side, the Green Mile, whatever you want to call him, he is scintillating at his role on the show. The ease of which he breaks the locks on those bins is inspiring to any young person. All in all, Storage Hunters is one of the best, if not the best, entertainment-action, auction based shows out there and is definitely worth watching. 10 out of 10!
This is not a show. This is surveillance footage. At a retirement home for the demented. Where everybody plays a character, the character in their own head. Maybe this is the way things go in the States. And that is fine with me. But watching the trash digging thought the trash? And even if that is your thing, it's less than a couple of minutes after at least 10 of camera zooming around.
Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
- hugh-dexter1
- May 11, 2013
- Permalink
I really enjoy Storage Hunters - even though I know it is very silly! Of course it is staged - quite a few of the characters (or social misfits,depending on your opinion) are actors! The show isn't meant to educate/ inform - it's just a bit of light fun! I would rather watch an entire week of it than watch a single episode of the so-called (also staged)"living soaps" (TOWIE, Chelsea, Kardashians etc.) which are full of surgically-enhanced narcissists who either act dumb or have "showmances" Also why all the sexist comments about Lori being "fat"? Actually she looks normal! Maybe some reviewers only think women who look like models should be on TV?
Lori's hair looks fantastic season 6! I love the colour and the length, it really suits her. I love the show and I'm always rooting for team Brando. :) My only irk, is how much they all fight. It's someone else's property that they are being given a chance to win at auction, but they always act like it's there's to start with and they don't want to lose to to another bidder. I can't understand why they can't be happy for each other which would then make it less likely down the track that they would run prices up, due to respect. But sometimes their finds a amazing and quirky and unusual. I love that they've started to introduce slightly different auction items, such as a surprise trailer, covered with a tarp. It gives new interest in the auction and potential gold mine of goods out there.
I watch storage hunters uk a lot. Iv had to write on here because Nat and john. Iv met some really dirty people in my life but Nat you make liverpool look like Jeremy Kyle's birth place Nat you make us British look like spoiled brats mine mine. Just looking at your face makes me feel sick you are a beast and clearly you are the bully of your house and street. John why do you put up with such an ugly and horrible person she has no respect for you. That's all I wanted to say I feel much better now.
- chrisdelacy
- Apr 4, 2022
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