The main actor James Russell, who played Aetius Patrius Majorian, fell off the horse during filming of the Battle Sequence. After that, because of safety and insurance reasons, the crew had to lose the horses for the remainder of filming the Battle Sequences.
The character of the young Aetius Patrius Majorian, the son of general Flavius Aetius, was played by Niko Pavletic, who is the real son of Ivan Pavletic, who played Flavius Aetius.
The actor Igor Galo, who plays the character of Caesar Valentinian III, co-starred with James Mason, James Coburn, David Warner, and Maximillian Schell, in Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron. Here Igor spent a couple of months of intensive filming as a soldier, in the WW II recreated trenches, where he learnt a lot about method acting from his co-star James Coburn.
After some investors pulled out of the project only weeks before the scheduled start of principal photography in July 2010, the director Ivan Pavletic was faced with tremendous difficulties of making the decision of either pulling the plug on the entire project, or risking by continuing going on with a very limited budget. Nevertheless, the decision was made to go on with production as planned, regardless the heavy obstacles.
Because of budget restraints, due to investors backing out of the project, the crew was unable to rent a regular sized film studio as initially planned, thus Ivan Pavletic was forced to change the entire shooting plan. As a result, he ended up transforming his own home into a smaller studio set, by repainting the interior, and putting up green screens. Instead of using the originally planned Super 16mm film and the RED cameras, the crew was forced to use much less expensive HD video and DSLR cameras. This made it possible for the principal photography to proceed as planned, on July 31st 2010.