- Joey: When I'm sober... When I'm healthy and well... I hurt people. I'm lethal. I drink to weaken the machine they made.
- [last lines]
- Joey: [in his letter] Now I go back to the street and disappear. I was alive again for one summer. I'm glad I spent it with you. I hope Africa treats you well. All my love, Joseph Smith.
- Joey: You know why she ended up in the river? Because that's what the river's for. To wash away girls when they're finished with them!
- Cristina: [Christina in taxi on her way to airport destination Africa opening envelope with a letter and Photos from Joey Smith] Dear Christina... I just wanted to say thank you for taking the photographs Considering I smeared the pictures they turned out pretty well. Gave all the best ones to my daughter. So... you are left with the ugly ones... and the scary ones. Sorry