I recently viewed The Christmas Tapes (2022) on Tubi. The plot revolves around a stranger who intrudes into a family's Christmas, tying them up and compelling them to watch VHS tapes depicting frightening events befalling other families during the holiday season. Is this family destined to become the next victims?
Directed by Robert Livings (Two People) and Randy Nundlall Jr (Infrared), featuring Dave Sheridan (Scary Movie), Vernon Wells (The Road Warrior), Greg Sestero (The Room), and Todd Lubitsch (I'm Dying Up Here).
It's an enjoyable VHS-style Christmas Horror film with a sufficiently unique storyline to capture your attention. There are three noteworthy horror short stories:
1. The camping story with a "Christmas Scarecrow" unfolds entertainingly, with a well-executed Scarecrow. The conclusion was solid, but a bit more gore would have enhanced the experience.
2. The second story involving an old couple and Mohawk from Road Warrior was impressive. The torture scenes and the game exceeded expectations, making it my favorite segment. While there's some minor gore, the overall outcome is cool.
3. The final story features a couple in a supposedly haunted home seeking help on Christmas Eve. Dave Sheridan adds humor, and the use of Christmas as a "ritual" theme is refreshing. The conclusion is solid.
In summary, it may not be a "great" horror anthology, but as a low-budget addition to the holiday horror genre, it's worthwhile for horror enthusiasts. I'd give it a 5.5/10 and recommend watching it at least once.