What to say, what to say. Well, first off, the acting sucks more than a fire engine pumphouse. The lighting needs to be seriously evaluated. The special effects are worse than in that three dollar video game for your Nintendo DS you bought last year.
The scenes jump around sporadically and it is extremely hard to tell what is going on. The main character, Alexis Texas, has so little screen time (even though it's both really good and really bad), you would not even think she was the main character. The storyline has a fair idea and a mild approach to the setting.
A few good points: 1.) Alexis Texas is super super hot. A few exotic scenes are displayed with her, likely for rating purposes, that are actually quite humorous. She is also a total bad-@$$ when fighting zombies with an ax. 2.) The hilariousness of it all. The special effects are entirely worthless yet so comical you cannot help but laugh at them. There are parts that make you laugh your @$$ off. I myself was busting out ROTFLOL, if you catch my drift. The parts that were meant to be funny sucked so much they caught a giggle. The scenes without humour actually ended up being funny.
But then it suddenly ends. Classic, cheesy ending with an Alfred Hitchcock twist (kind like "The Birds). A rate it 10 out of 10 just because it made me laugh and tried hard to fail (succeeding to fail means failing at failing to succeed to fail?) So yeah. Very short, very pointless, very VERY low budget. Go watch if you need dumb humour and are 18+ years old. Lots of Tig Ol' Bitties. (There's a reason Alexis Texas is a pr0n star.)