Joey Kern credited as playing...
- C-Thru: [about Emily] You told her about this mission?
- Fridge: She's my girlfriend.
- C-Thru: Oh, come on, man, no. She's *Brendan's* girlfriend. She's not supposed to know about superhero stuff.
- Fridge: Okay, well, it's not really that simple. Because she's, um... She's cheating on me. On Brendan.
- C-Thru: Oh.
- Fridge: With me. Fridge.
- [C-Thru gives him a look]
- Fridge: Look, bottom line is that Emily is not happy with Brendan. She doesn't want to be dating some broke wannabe cartoonist.
- C-Thru: This is a seriously unprofessional situation.
- Fridge: She deserves more than just hanging around, ordering takeout, and watching reruns with that guy.
- C-Thru: Is that for dramatic effect?
- Fridge: Wh-what?
- C-Thru: Calling him "that guy"? It's you. You're him. You're that guy.
- Fridge: It's funny. I don't feel like him. Not, like, one little bit. I actually think that I'm taller than Brendan.