The Nightingale of Bursa is a Turkish comedy film directed by Hakan Algül, written by Ata Demirer, and starring Ata Demirer, Cem Gelinoglu and Özge Özacar, released on Disney+ on January 13, 2023.
The movie that I watched with prejudice because of the fact that the names who have been pioneers in terms of comedy in Turkey have been standing still or taking a step back in the last 5 years, is also an indicator of how meticulous Ata Demirel is in his work.
The fact that Gökhan Atmis was chosen as the cinematographer ensured that the movie was 5 steps ahead of "New Year's Eve", which was also screened on Disney+ in the same period.
Gökhan Atmis's technical choices are excellent.
Another plus of the movie is that the movie takes place in the 80s and the art team has done a thorough job in this regard.
In addition to the selection of songs that contain many references to Ata's favorite casino and tavern culture, it is also a very good move to work with a name like Taskin Sabah.
In short, Ata Demirel's The Nightingale of Bursa was by far the best among the comedy works made in the last 10 years.