Philip J. Karch directed the scene where the normal director, Jackie Karch, was filling the role of "The Tooth Fairy".
Philip J. Karch played the stoned convict "Lex" during the police station scene but the role was specifically written for a female actress who auditioned for the film. On the day of filming, she was involved in an automobile accident and was unable to make it to the set. Philip filled in for the role at the last minute.
Jackie Karch wrote the screenplay while he was stationed in Seoul, South Korea serving in the U.S. Army. Franklin Craft's original name was supposed to be Franklin Schultz and the setting was in Gladwin County, Michigan instead of the fictional Miller, Texas.
The blue 1959 Chevrolet Bel-Air that Franklin (Larry Jack Dotson) finds in his barn belongs to Philip Karch and is the first automobile that he ever owned. He bought the car when he was still in high school. The car was not legal to drive during the production, meaning it was not registered or insured. Also the car was thoroughly cleaned before production in order to shoot the flash back scene with Kris Storey (George Monroe) and Jamie Lowry (Samantha) and had to be "re-dirtied" for the later scenes, hence all the debris, such as cardboard boxes, being seen piled on the car.