We Are Many (2014) is a documentary written and directed by Amir Amirani. It tells the story of the worldwide attempt to prevent the US/Great Britain invasion of Iraq in 2003. (Some more recent footage of the BLM protests has been added at the end of the movie.)
The film is a mixture of talking heads and documentary footage. The people interviewed are knowledgeable, and it's worth hearing what they say. The footage is excellent.
This was the biggest worldwide demonstration in history. Between six and ten million people took part in protests in up to sixty countries over the weekend of February 15th and 16th, 2003.
As we know, the protests failed, and Bush and Blair went on with their plans and invaded Iraq. It's now apparent that the reason for the invasion was false. However, the suffering was real.
The filmmakers make the case that, after 2003, the demonstrations had a positive effect for other countries. Also, it's possible that citizen opposition to the war against Syria prevented that war from taking place. It's hard to know whether this material is correct, or just wishful thinking.
I saw this movie as a live-streamed video used as a fundraiser for a consortium of progressive groups. I don't know if you can find it on DVD or Netflix, etc.
To my surprise the movie has a tepid IMDb rating of 6.7. I think that it's an excellent documentary, and deserves a much higher rating. I rated it 9.