10 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 88RogerEbert.comPeter SobczynskiRogerEbert.comPeter SobczynskiWhile the end result may not quite reach the heights that Miyazaki has regularly hit during his amazing career, it is nevertheless a worthy effort, filled with visuals that frequently dazzle the eye even if the story is more likely to inspiring the scratching of heads instead.
- 80VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeBig Fish & Begonia commands awe on the strength of its imagery alone...while weaving an epic tale that’s uniquely informed by local myths and motifs. If only it made the slightest bit of sense.
- 80The New York TimesTeo BugbeeThe New York TimesTeo BugbeeNever short on visual or emotional wonder, Big Fish & Begonia contemplates mortality with the imagination of an old soul who has been given new eyes.
- 80Los Angeles TimesKenneth TuranLos Angeles TimesKenneth TuranIt's all strangely wonderful, and it will take your breath away if you give it the chance.
- 75Slant MagazineOleg IvanovSlant MagazineOleg IvanovIn the sly exchanges between the teenage protagonists and their elders, the film reflects a nation's shifting tides.
- 75The Film StageJared MobarakThe Film StageJared MobarakThe result is a fantasy adventure with high stakes despite death seeming impermanent throughout. Rather than be about finding eternal life like many tales of its kind are, Big Fish & Begonia is about giving it.
- 67TheWrapRobert AbeleTheWrapRobert AbeleWhere Miyazaki’s wisdom kept his prodigious imagination in the service of intimacy, “Big Fish” is daringly, if haphazardly, epic with its vision and feelings. The urge to awe may feel self-conscious at times, but it’s rarely not heartfelt, even when it’s skirting the edge of incomprehensible.
- 67IndieWireDavid EhrlichIndieWireDavid EhrlichMarrying the sensitivity of “Spirited Away” to the lushness of “The Legend of Korra” and the narrative coherence of a lucid dream, Big Fish & Begonia is the very rarest of Chinese exports: An animated film that was made for adults.
- 60Village VoiceSimon AbramsVillage VoiceSimon AbramsLiang and Zhang’s young heroes would be far more universal if they were just credibly hormonal.
- 50Movie NationRoger MooreMovie NationRoger MooreIt is a puzzle without a particularly interesting (to my Western eyes) solution. Whatever its visual qualities, and really the only comparison points are the weirder Japanese anime efforts, the strangeness of it all makes it a confusing big screen experience.