4 reviews
- HarshitWise
- Mar 7, 2023
- Permalink
I'm sorry Elvis C., but there is no possible way, that we watched the same movie. You either made this movie, or are related to the per son that did, because this was, hands down, the worst movie I ever had, and ever will, see. I literally only watched this movie because my friend bet me 10 dollars that I couldn't make it all the way through it, because we knew it would be horrible,at an unwatchable level, & boy were we right. I did when the bet, but only because I really, really needed money at the time. I somehow suffered through the terrible acting, & deplorable moral message of this "movie". It wasn't even a real Rom Com. Real Rom Com's at least have known actors in them. This was a B.S. Lifetime level movie with F-List actors, a $100,000 budget, and a plot that spreads their liberal agenda & giving the terrible message to young girls, that being a whore is "empowering". It's not. It's just being a whore. I can't believe Cox had the gall to charge $6 for this piece of garbage. If you watch this movie, & honestly enjoy, there is seriously, something wrong with you.
- chrispieo772
- Aug 15, 2014
- Permalink
This film is witty, funny and written in a manner that successfully captures all the ups and downs of dating in this day in age. The writers create a plot that draws you in with a carefully crafted script filled with hysterical jokes, raunchy colloquy and a story that really explores in-depth the relationships between characters and their quest to find love despite all their past mishaps. In addition, the film contains great direction and shot throughout New York City with scenes that bring the characters to life. Also, the movie has the right amount of chemistry between the actors who do an incredible job in portraying their respective roles. Most romantic comedies are hard to watch, but this one is awesome...I loved it and you will too!
- ecandelario-796-635251
- Sep 18, 2013
- Permalink
First, I have no disclosures to this film or cast, in any possible way. For its genre of "R" rated, "indie-type", later in the evening "rom-com" with sexual story lines, it was surprisingly good with some slow spots. Few laugh out loud moments but still a rom-com. Clearly not the worst movie ever or an award winner. I don't understand how 'a ten dollar bet due to really needing the money' led to 'worst movie even seen'. There is no way this could be or become a Lifetime movie without cutting most of it. Most of the actors did a good to very good job with a script that ranged from trite and predictable to nearly clever. A few very well known actors, Kate McKennon and Matt Servitto as examples, and none I would say turned in F level work. If it was low budget, you could see the money on the screen, as they say, with above average production values. Like other similar movies, moral messages aren't hugely prominent but were present despite the romantic, comedic, and sensual vehicle. Clearly, a reviewer had a particular viewpoint including criticism of a "liberal agenda", defining some of the female characters sexual behaviors as being "wh**e...empowerment", and finishing with complaining about the $6 charge to watch it over a $10 dollar bet. Not the best movie, though better than the National Lampoons and others series for its type. Given that, I liked it and it was worth watching for the genre. Maybe even worth a second watch.
- m-fleisher
- Jun 6, 2021
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