Such a refreshing opportunity for this Gay Dutch woman born in Reading Pennsylvania way back in the 1940's .This Berliner slant on an Amish male young adult spending his Rumspringa year "sowing wild oats" prior to committing / or not committing to a life of the Plain People of Lancaster County in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country is a sweet film.
The viewer has an insider look at the fashionable cynicism of the young, coddled and privileged generation surrounding us almost everywhere. As this film moves forward many of the Old Amish ways give a framework of honesty and openness to the characters trying to make jest of The Rumspringa , Jacob. This film is
enjoyable on many levels and this outsider American viewer found a deep respect for Amish Values in this German made film.
Carve out time in 2024 America to see Rumspringa, You could think about honestly and expressing feelings in your own contemporary life. Take a chance and check out this film.