The Character "SIODMAK" as portrayed by Michael Valentine, was originally created for a short film called PUSHED, also starring Blaine Pennington and Yomaris J Maldonado, back in early 2009. The character was named after famed Hollywood filmmaking legends Robert and Curt Siodmak, who worked during the 30s and 40s on early thriller/horror films such as The Killers, Black Friday and The Wolf Man. The short fell apart towards the end of production, but both the Director and Actor where so enamored by the look of the character, that a horror film based on him seemed obvious.
The Idea of having of having 2 story lines play almost simultaneously was an idea that Director/Writer Nicholas Ortiz came up with as a way of telling a slasher film story just a little differently. Chronologically, the morgue scenes, starring Krista Chandlee, Richard Lampone, Jahnu Stayton and Richie Williamson, occur after the main story, with Masha Mendieta, Kit Lang, Russell Jordan and Aamira Welthy. In order to keep the time line, date and time title cards were used, as well as the use of the cooler colors for the morgue and warmer colors for the main story. Essentially, Nicholas made two different movies and then pieced them together in post. At the time of shooting, aside from the lead actor, the main story cast and the Morgue cast never met.