Hiroyuki Watanabe credited as playing...
- Taiko: Everly. What a surprise. I assumed you'd go down without a fight. I was wrong. I'm never wrong.
- Taiko: And so it ends, not with a bang, but a whimper.
- Everly: You are nothing. You don't exist. This is all a nightmare. If I die, it'll be like waking up. But if I don't... it'll be your nightmare, motherfucker.
- Taiko: You have been a revelation. But don't kid yourself. You have only gotten so far because I allowed you to.
- Everly: If you're going to do it, just do it, and shut up.
- Taiko: After all you've been through tonight, did you really think I would make it that easy?
- Everly: Yeah. Why haven't you killed me? Maybe you can't bear the thought of living without me. Maybe no matter what I do... you just don't want me gone. Hmm?
- Taiko: Maybe I go across the hall and get your daughter, make her watch the rest of this. Does little Maisey know that her mother is nothing but a used, discarded whore?
- Everly: Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth!
- [high-kicks at him while tied up]
- Taiko: It's infinitely more painful to remove a tattoo than it is to receive one. And the same is true for love. You don't have to go through the pain of removing your love for me... so I will take back my tattoo as a souvenir.
- Everly: Let them live, please.
- Taiko: [sighs] All right. I will grant you your wish. You will die in that room tonight, Everly, and I'll let little Maisey live... Thank you. Thank... just long enough to earn back what you've cost me. I'm sure your daughter will be very popular with the older clientele.