Directed by
Conor Allyn | ||
Yadi Sugandi |
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)
Conor Allyn | ||
Rob Allyn |
Cast (in credits order)
Produced by
Conor Allyn | ... | producer |
Rob Allyn | ... | executive producer |
Seth Baron | ... | associate producer |
Dewi Beck | ... | associate producer |
Hashim Djojohadikusumo | ... | executive producer |
Wilza Lubis | ... | line producer |
Rahayu Saraswati | ... | associate producer |
Music by
Thoersi Argeswara |
Cinematography by
Padri Nadeak |
Editing by
Sidik Abdul Jabar | ... | (as Abdul Jabar Sidik) |
Sastha Sunu |
Casting By
Nanda Giri |
Production Design by
Iri Supit |
Art Direction by
Iri Supit |
Makeup Department
Lisa | ... | assistant makeup artist |
Maya | ... | assistant makeup artist |
Novi | ... | assistant makeup artist |
Conor O'Sullivan | ... | makeup supervisor |
Jerry Octavianus | ... | makeup artist |
Rita | ... | assistant makeup artist |
Production Management
Elza Hidayat | ... | unit production manager |
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Billy Christian | ... | second third assistant director |
Emil Heradi | ... | third assistant director |
Andy Howard | ... | first assistant director |
Adam Howarth | ... | second unit director |
Ferry Irawan | ... | second second assistant director |
Jordan Taranto | ... | second assistant director |
Art Department
Albert | ... | art |
Aris | ... | art |
Arya Bhadu | ... | assistant property master |
Ibnu Dharmawan | ... | assistant production designer |
Ibnu Dharmono | ... | props |
Surya Dinata | ... | graphic designer |
Ria Elisco | ... | assistant art director |
Iwan Gunawan | ... | props |
Hariyono | ... | props |
Suma Ade Irawan | ... | props |
Marcell | ... | art |
Uday M. Nugraha | ... | props |
Deni Rudiono | ... | property master |
Somat | ... | art |
Jhon Sondang | ... | props |
Ireng Sutarno | ... | props |
Tito | ... | graphic designer |
Tomblo | ... | art |
Setya Wandhono | ... | carpenter |
Oom Yos | ... | art |
Sound Department
M. Rasidy Ariefiansyah | ... | assistant sound recordist |
Adi Irawan | ... | sound |
Dwi Budi Priyanto | ... | sound recordist |
Ipunk Sukandi | ... | boom operator |
Jantra Suryaman | ... | boom operator |
Boom Suvagondha | ... | dialogue editor / re-recording mixer / supervising sound editor |
Traithep Wongpaiboon | ... | sound post-production supervisor |
Special Effects by
Anton | ... | special effects team leader |
De Beer | ... | special effects crew |
Eric | ... | special effects crew |
Fadlan | ... | special effects team leader |
Faiz | ... | special effects crew |
Yanto Gondrong | ... | special effects crew |
Adam Howarth | ... | special effects supervisor |
Jobir | ... | special effects crew |
Yanto Kebel | ... | special effects team leader |
Cinta Meiditary | ... | special effects |
Mukri | ... | special effects crew |
Paul L. Nanlohy | ... | special effects coordinator |
Watcharachai Panichsuk | ... | pyrotechnician (as Watcharachi Panichsuk) |
Sarawut Pradubpol | ... | pyrotechnician |
Prie | ... | special effects crew |
Graham Riddell | ... | assistant special effects supervisor |
Robby | ... | special effects crew |
Untung Sepriana | ... | special effects team leader |
Sugeng | ... | special effects crew |
Thatha | ... | special effects |
Yanto Triplex | ... | special effects crew |
Waji | ... | special effects crew |
Yoso | ... | special effects crew |
Lee Adamson | ... | stunts |
Andrea Berchtold | ... | stunts |
Brad Buckley | ... | assistant stunt coordinator |
Jarrah Cocks | ... | stunts |
Daniel | ... | stunts |
Tirta Wijaya Kusuma | ... | stunts |
Oni Laksana | ... | stunts |
Latip Abdul Latip | ... | stunts |
Buserih Lukman | ... | stunts |
Moch Maryadi | ... | stunts |
Achmad Maulana | ... | stunts |
Rocky McDonald | ... | additional stunt coordinator |
Scott McLean | ... | stunt coordinator |
Jonathan Ozoh | ... | local stunt coordinator |
Dian Al Rasyid Panjalu | ... | stunts |
Philip Partridge | ... | stunts |
M. Anom Perkasa | ... | stunts |
Brett Praed | ... | stunt performer |
Freidi Dwi Putra | ... | stunts |
Warwick Sadler | ... | stunts |
Ricky Saldan | ... | stunts (as Ricky Saldian) |
Leo Stripp | ... | stunts (as Leon Stripp) |
M. Untung Subakty | ... | stunts |
Sutomo | ... | stunts |
Paul Thomas | ... | stunts |
R. Eva Wulansari | ... | stunts |
Camera and Electrical Department
Habib Bolqiah | ... | loader |
Budiono | ... | lighting technician |
Charles De Faucauld | ... | camera report |
Rahmad Faisal | ... | camera report |
Mukta Ginting | ... | vtr operator |
H.D. Habibie | ... | cinelog operator |
D. Jasroni | ... | cinelog assistant |
Johan | ... | key grip |
Melky | ... | key grip |
Mochamad Nasir | ... | gaffer |
Slamet Nyong Purnomo | ... | lighting technician |
Adhitya Rachman | ... | assistant camera / focus puller |
Juwita Rahayu | ... | clapper |
Asep Arip Rahman | ... | electrician |
Angela Andreyanti Rikarastu | ... | loader |
Atep Wawan Setiawan | ... | lighting assistant |
Kevin Soeharli | ... | clapper |
Sudiarto | ... | lighting assistant |
Handri Sujarwo | ... | lighting report |
Sujat | ... | lighting technician |
Enggong Supardi | ... | camera operator |
Tirtayasa Surna | ... | lighting assistant |
Aga Wahyudi | ... | camera operator |
Slamet Wahyudi | ... | vtr operator |
Maliki Zulkarnain | ... | first assistant camera |
Casting Department
Adit | ... | casting |
Angga Balenk | ... | casting coordinator |
Garnish | ... | casting |
Abdul Hakim | ... | casting assistant |
Kiki | ... | casting |
Mayla | ... | casting |
Liza Nazira | ... | casting assistant |
Radityo | ... | casting |
Rahmat | ... | casting |
Agung Sipapaga | ... | casting (as Guntur Sipapaga) |
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Ryan Kusman | ... | wardrobe supervisor |
Tata Priatna | ... | wardrobe assistant |
Afnan Ruzi | ... | wardrobe assistant |
Budi Santoso | ... | wardrobe assistant |
Nunik Tiyanti | ... | wardrobe assistant |
Kharmining Tyas | ... | wardrobe assistant |
Editorial Department
Dinda Amanda | ... | first assistant editor |
Arifin Cu'unk | ... | assistant editor |
Andi A. Manoppo | ... | post-production coordinator (as Andy Manoppo) |
Music Department
Yuniati Arfah | ... | vocal talent |
Riza Arsyad | ... | recordist |
Diah Bisono | ... | musician manager |
Satrio Budiono | ... | music editor / score mixer |
Bambang E. Hermawan | ... | copyist |
Judiwati | ... | musician manager |
Jalu G. Pratidina | ... | musician |
Saat | ... | musician |
Mian Tiara | ... | Recordist / recordist |
Yovial Tri Purnomo Virgi | ... | composer: additional music |
Transportation Department
Agung | ... | driver |
Apan | ... | driver |
Asep | ... | driver |
Edi | ... | driver |
Ruslan Effendi | ... | driver |
Andry Feriansyah | ... | driver |
Agung Gunawan | ... | driver |
Ayi Sukirno Harry | ... | driver |
Haryono | ... | driver |
Bambang Haryono | ... | driver |
Hosim | ... | driver |
Ariel Raditya Iman | ... | driver |
Awuy Kalalo | ... | driver |
Karyanto | ... | driver |
Achmad Nawawi | ... | driver |
Sukamto | ... | driver |
Rahmat Purnama Sulaiman | ... | driver |
Ace Sunarya | ... | driver |
Supri | ... | driver |
Sugih Susanto | ... | driver |
Tri Sutrisno | ... | driver (as Sutrisno) |
Suyana | ... | driver |
Suyanto | ... | driver |
Agus Wewekang | ... | driver |
Wemple L. Wuwungan | ... | transportation captain |
Additional Crew
Jber Aditya | ... | production coordinator |
Brigadir Nur Ali | ... | armory assistant |
Dita Armand | ... | production finance associate |
Nardi Basuki | ... | production accountant |
John Bowring | ... | armory supervisor |
Asep Bunyati | ... | production assistant |
Rizhka Carolina | ... | production secretary |
Dedi | ... | armory assistant / production assistant |
Marcella Eugenie | ... | production finance associate |
Gepeng | ... | production logistics |
Nita Halim | ... | post production assistant |
Ella Hamid | ... | production assistant |
Ichal Hasan | ... | production assistant |
Mina Haulian | ... | production cashier |
Hendry | ... | production logistics |
Athina Charismatika Hilman | ... | production translator |
Pandit Isworo | ... | production accountant |
Abdul Jabar | ... | craft service |
Jabrik | ... | support |
Jimmy | ... | post production assistant |
Wira Julianto | ... | armory assistant |
Kuswanto | ... | production assistant |
Lina | ... | support |
Cynthia Loebis | ... | production finance associate |
Andi A. Manoppo | ... | post production coordinator |
Briptu Marsono | ... | armory assistant |
Abdoel R. Moeis | ... | armory assistant |
Olensky | ... | production assistant |
Ismayadi D. Partakoesoema | ... | armory assistant |
Robbie Purnama | ... | production assistant |
Fajarina Putri | ... | production finance associate |
Rachmi | ... | support |
Riki | ... | production logistics |
Ronny | ... | support |
Lyly Rozaly | ... | armory assistant |
Benjamin Setiabudi | ... | armory coordinator |
Bripka Budi Setiawan | ... | armory assistant |
Tisna | ... | support |
Tyo | ... | production assistant |
Wahyudi | ... | craft service |
Yuki | ... | production logistics |