During breakfast a man's soul breaks out of his eyeball and, instead of eating the food on the table, goes on a rampage towards the city. Meanwhile, the man's soulless husk of a body is cared for by a friendly deer and his reluctant friend.
I want to talk about the message of the power of friendship over selfishness and solitude; of the power of sharing what you have with others rather than having everything you want and keeping it to yourself; I really would love to talk about such themes because there is something in here that is ultimately about that. However the reality is that Dr Breakfast is mostly an Adult Swim cartoon which is hard to describe and really hard to penetrate to find anything other than the manically colorful weirdness that makes up the majority of it.
The soul figure rampages, eating fish in the sea, the stars, the moon – everything. Meanwhile two deer speaking like American late-teens boys bathe, dress and cook for the man who has his eyeball still hanging out. It is hard not to make it sound weird but even still it is odder than I make it sound. As an "WTF" experience it works best and there is an incredible amount of clashing oddness – the children's TV style audio, the colorful rampage sit on one side while on the other the deer are oddly soothing while also being absurd as a part of the short.
I would have liked it to have been a lot clearer on the point and to have been a little less deliberately odd, but as a colorful piece of absurdity, it is worth a look because it will certainly deliver that.