It is a pity that the good intentions behind this drama are betrayed by formulaic solutions and melodramatic dialogue. I decided to watch it when I found out that my good friends Antonio Pantojas and Dolores Pedro had important roles -respectively, as Amalia, the homosexual uncle of the main character; and Perpetue, a Haitian descendant trapped in New York- but they also had to deal with a couple of scenes written rather clumsily.
It is also a pity because the story touches very realistic topics, as the abuse of women by their male partners, the frequent discrimination suffered by Haitians, the rather obssessive aim of some Dominican Republic persons of migrating to mainland USA (object of several films, as the drama "Un pasaje de ida" (A One-Way Ticket), and the comedies "Nueba Yol" and "Nueba Yol III: Bajo la nueva ley"), or even the role played by delinquents' mothers in their sons' behavior.
The film tells the story of a Puerto Rican woman whose mother apparently was killed by her father, and who gets into a dangerous relationship with a man who abuses of his wife. Finely photographed in New York and Puerto Rico, it is worth a look, but not the good film it could have been.