Of course its no surprise to see certain segments resorting to stuffing the ballot box for a movie they never saw.
What is truly amazing is the hate coming from people. Why do they hate Sarah Palin so much, they'd register on a site and vote against a movie about her when they never even saw the movie. Did she hurt them in some way? Did she cost them money or their job? Did she hurt their family or their family pet?
Did she send their son, daughter, husband, or wife off to war? Did she raise their taxes or stop their government checks?
No, she didn't do any of that. In fact, unless you lived in Alaska, she's never had one iota of control over you or them. ...and in Alaska, she is still considered a great governor.
What did she do to these people that they've gone into catatonic fits of rage in opposition to the mere mention of her name?
See the movie and find out the answer to the mystery.