- Action Movie Fanatix
- Actionerd [Michaël Michaud]
- French
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- BigGayPictureShow.com [Tim Isaac]
- Blu-ray.com [Martin Liebman]
- Blu-rayDefinition.com - Blu-ray [Brendan Surpless]
- Blueprint: Review [David Brook]
- BobaFett1138.blogspot.com [Frank Veenstra]
- BZFilm
- CultHub.com [Vaskar Kayastha]
- Dan's Movie Report [Danny Shamon]
- Dan's Movie Report [Danny Shamon]
- Devon & Cornwall Film [Tom Leins]
- DoBlu [Blu-ray] (Matt Paprocki)
- Film Critics United
- filmrezensionen.net [Timo Wolters] (Blu-ray)
- Filmstarts.de [Robert Cherkowski]
- German
- Flickering Myth [Tom Jolliffe]
- HK and Cult Film News [porfle]
- Home Theater Info DVD [Douglas MacLean]
- MediaMikes.com - Blu-ray [Mike Gencarelli]
- Movie Mavericks [Jason Rugaard]
- Real Movie News - Blu-ray [Ryan Russell Izay]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Todd Jordan]
- saturday night screening [playingthedevil]
- The Last Thing I See [Brent McKnight]
- The People's Movies [Andrew McArthur]
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