- Dr. Ben Wilson: [speaking in 2018] In the early agency days, we developed techniques on how to manipulate populations, you know. You saw the research. Algorithms of control. We used them to undermine elections, slay puppets, import and elect favorable regimes. All that mattered was that those governments fell in line with U.S. interests. But Crowley didn't see it that way. Crowley saw it through dark eyes. He started selling our cutting edge psy-ops as a service to foreign governments and to businesses on the side, highest bidder, all come. I've been out there, tracking him, hunting him, watching him while oligarchs and dictators and you pick it, scumbags Crowley worked for. Almost had him once. Even stopped a genocide. Well, almost. And now he's all working for hire. He's got so much money, it's not about that anymore. It's about power. He wants power. He wants a regime of his own and he wants it right here.
- Valence: Come on. How do you know that?
- Dr. Ben Wilson: Because I wrote the book. Chapter One, undermine people's faith in media so they begin to doubt the bloody nature of the truth. Chapter Two, polarize factions in society, and people stop seeing the other side as human and human rights cease to be an obstacle. Chapter Three, marginalize the intelligentsia. People stop listening to experts and they become malleable, hmm? That sound familiar? Chapter Four, now you're gonna need chapter four, elect a candidate under the guise of restoring order. Someone smart, someone charismatic, but someone who be controlled.
- John Weir: What's chapter five?
- Dr. Ben Wilson: Oh, there's no chapter five. Now the country's yours.
- [chuckles]
- Dr. Ben Wilson: Oh yeah, the bottom line is it's happening right now. A lot faster than I thought it would. Maybe by even the next election.