Early in the movie, a full clip from an M-16 is barely sufficient to take down a Morlock or one of the "birds". As time goes by, and the plot needs it, the "hostiles" tend to get easier to kill, until a single shot from a 9mm pistol is sufficient to drop something immediately.
Although the tank's turret was rotated, none of the people in the tank moved into the position of the tank commander or the gunner, whose positions have the turret controls.
When the helicopter crashes, its tail section splits off and explodes. There are no volatiles in that part of the helicopter, so it could not explode. An explosion would have to originate in the main body where the fuel tank and engines are located.
Modern military grade explosives used in the field are not sensitive to impact detonations (i.e., you can't shoot the explosive to make it explode).
U.S Army infantry, while well trained and quite capable, are not cross-trained in piloting helicopters and operating main battle tanks.
Former U.S. government employees and contractors who write articles or books which relate to classified subjects upon which the employee or contractor worked must submit the material for government and/or corporate review before publication. This is a legal and contractual requirement to prevent the revelation of classified information. It is clear from the attitude of Colonel Wichita that Radnor did not do this.
When a morlock breaks the supporting cable on the elevator, it plummets downward. However elevators are fitted with gravity brakes, which operate to safely bring an elevator to a stop if it begins to fall under gravity.
It is assumed that the teams are being sent "thousands of years into the future"; yet until taken into the underground project, no one noticed that the buildings are the same as those around the project, and that the wrecked automobiles in the street are current models.
They learn that society had named the creatures "Morlocks" by reading newspapers, but did not seem inclined to investigate the date on the newspapers.
During the first attack, the two remaining soldiers run through the camp to their transport. On their way, they run past a dead soldier who is clearly breathing.