9 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 75Slant MagazineSlant MagazineIt works--quite successfully, in places--as a warming tonic against this emotional nippiness of the cinema of Canadian coldness.
- 75San Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleSan Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleHere's the thing: This movie would be easy to mock as maudlin and self-important, but there's something about it that can't be dismissed. The monologues may be theatrical and presentational - director Anne Emond made this film when she was 29 and too young to be subtle.
- 70The Hollywood ReporterJohn DeForeThe Hollywood ReporterJohn DeForeAnne Émond's quietly raw Nuit #1 begins as a highbrow sex film but quickly becomes something much more interesting.
- 70The New York TimesStephen HoldenThe New York TimesStephen HoldenTheir eloquent monologues, interspersed with vicious verbal skirmishes, are artfully constructed, occasionally poetic expressions of pain, delivered in well-formed sentences that suggest the movie might have originated as a two-person stage drama.
- 60Time OutDavid FearTime OutDavid FearBoth de Léan and Storoge give you peeks at the genuine anguish lurking underneath the characters' narcissistic bluffing and porno posturing, even if the script drowns their best moments in verbosity.
- 60Village VoiceVillage VoiceFirst-time feature director Anne Émond's Nuit #1 lingers on the combination of hunger and awkwardness that attends the best one-nighters, showing the unsexy details that most movies elide.
- 60Los Angeles TimesBetsy SharkeyLos Angeles TimesBetsy SharkeyLike the relationship she has chosen to dissect, the film is promising, disappointing, touching or frustrating, depending on the moment.
- 58The A.V. ClubThe A.V. ClubCourageous performances from the leads, who have to bear a lot, both emotionally and physically, still can't transform their characters into more than just symbols for contemporary urban loneliness.
- Despite the allure of the actors and some witty lines, it's ultimately quite wearying to be confronted with such determination to turn youth and good looks into existential burdens.