Talk about an emotional mind f@$k! Wow! I had my doubts when I pulled up 'Devoured' on IMDb. I saw the current rating at 4.7 and that the Director, Greg Olliver, has only made documentaries and this film is his first full-length feature. I figured there was no way this film would be good, let alone, scary. Couldn't have been more wrong! I'm totally blown away by this beautifully, depressing horror film. First off, the cinematography and direction is absolutely stunning. The film forces you from the very start to sympathize and feel so much compassion for the lead who, by the way, is a fantastically talented actress. The way the first opening scene goes down, you are prepared for the end, but ultimately are pulled in by the main character's struggle. The genius part about it all is that you are so broken down by her life that every single scary moment is terrifying and stressfully confusing. I am still overwhelmed by what an emotional roller coaster this film is. Going from sad to scared to angry, then back to sad, scared and confused. Chilling, depressing, beautiful, dark and clever, 'Devoured' is a film that I will gladly file under art-house horror. This film is for the sophisticated horror connoisseur that has a palate for artistic direction and a hunger for hauntingly disturbing images. BRAVO!
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FYI: I am in no way involved with this film what-so-ever. This is my honest opinion. I watch every and all films associated within the horror genre and always give my unbiased opinion. I am all about celebrating people's love for horror and do not tolerate unnecessary film bashing.