Kylie Maron-Vallorani credited as playing...
Magda(la) Montaine
- Magda: Do you know who I am? I'm Magda Magdala Montaine! I'm a Writer, an Anthropologist. And my husband will be looking for me. And yes, he's called the Police. And if you tell them I'm here, if you could help me. I will tell them that you have fed me. You won't be in any trouble. Please, you won't get into any trouble, I promise.
- Del: Hello Mary.
- Magda: Hello Lucifer. Preparing for Litha?
- Del: You're quite the Theologian, I hear?
- Magda: I don't want to be brainwashed.
- Del: You're a Buddhist, no?
- Magda: Athiest.
- Del: Even so, you should know that Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism and in Hinduism, they make sacrifices.
- Magda: Not human sacrifices they don't!
- Del: Man has always profited at the expense of others. He's an animal like all the rest.
- Magda: That's capitalism, not religion.
- Michael Summertop: [drunk] Listen, I know I'm a terrible person and I don't deserve you.
- Magda: Okay, let's not do this...
- Michael Summertop: You are the most wonderful, most vivacious and intelligent, amazing person I've ever met. Please, come home with me tonight!