Haemolymph (2022 Film) Haemolymp is an upcoming 2022 Hindi Bollywood Crime drama film written and directed by Sudarshan Gamare. Its story is based on the true story of 'Wahid din Mohammed sh... Read allHaemolymph (2022 Film) Haemolymp is an upcoming 2022 Hindi Bollywood Crime drama film written and directed by Sudarshan Gamare. Its story is based on the true story of 'Wahid din Mohammed shaikh', who is one of the accused of the 7/11 serial bomb blast in the Mumbai lifeline aka ... Read allHaemolymph (2022 Film) Haemolymp is an upcoming 2022 Hindi Bollywood Crime drama film written and directed by Sudarshan Gamare. Its story is based on the true story of 'Wahid din Mohammed shaikh', who is one of the accused of the 7/11 serial bomb blast in the Mumbai lifeline aka local train services of the city. It chronicles the events that led to the police investig... Read all