You Must Feel Good follows Jane Pickett through her thirteenth day left in her sentence in Purgatory. Everyone in Purgatory is subjected to a Groundhog Day experience of doing the same thing over and over again. Each day, one must hunt down a clone of themselves and execute them in cold blood. If they fail to do so, they are dragged down to Hell by hellhounds. These are the rules to earn your ascension to Heaven. The archangel Gabriel is Jane's antagonist. He rewards the Purgatorian captives with weapons for their faith so they may carry out their daily task. He is also in charge of blasting the horn at sundown to call for the hellhounds to attack any disobedient humans. Despite doing this for nearly eight years, this day feels different to Jane - it's clearly not getting any easier. When her clone opens her mouth, Jane is reminded of her murderous sins back on Earth. She must come to grips with her inner feelings and balance them with the morality of what she is being commanded to do. She must act fast... or the hellhounds will decide her fate for her.