The story is set in a neo-futuristic age, in which Tokyo has turned into the world's largest "jungle-polis" that absorbs carbon dioxide. A tower city called Atlas houses the rich and privile... Read allThe story is set in a neo-futuristic age, in which Tokyo has turned into the world's largest "jungle-polis" that absorbs carbon dioxide. A tower city called Atlas houses the rich and privileged, and is the object of yearning for all who are not allowed to enter. But Atlas also ha... Read allThe story is set in a neo-futuristic age, in which Tokyo has turned into the world's largest "jungle-polis" that absorbs carbon dioxide. A tower city called Atlas houses the rich and privileged, and is the object of yearning for all who are not allowed to enter. But Atlas also has ancient secrets which cause a sudden whirl of events. Festooned by colorful characters s... Read all