America Ferrera credited as playing...
Astrid Hofferson
- [after planting a Gronkle egg in each Viking's house]
- Astrid Hofferson: Wasn't this a great idea?
- Fishlegs: Uh-huh! Everybody's gonna be so surprised!
- [a house explodes, and an egg fragment flies out and hits Fishlegs]
- Fishlegs: Ow...
- Snotlout: Surprise!
- [a baby Gronkle lands on Fishlegs' chest]
- Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut: Aw...
- Astrid Hofferson: [horrified] The eggs explode?
- [a Viking house explodes]
- Astrid Hofferson: THE EGGS EXPLODE!
- [Another Viking house explodes. A villager comes running out]
- Astrid Hofferson: I'm sorry.
- [More explosions. Another villager runs past her]
- Astrid Hofferson: So sorry.
- Astrid Hofferson: Hiccup, i know this must be really hard for you seeing everyone with their dragons. But you really did a wonderful thing. Thank you.
- [Kisses Hiccup then hug him tightly]
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Astrid, where did Toothless go?
- Astrid Hofferson: I don't know.
- [Toothless is sneaking into the Great Hall. Astrid and the other Vikings noticed him but not Hiccup]
- Female Viking: Oh, look!
- Astrid Hofferson: Wow, man! Wouldn't wanna be you right now. I mean, you brought back everyone's dragon, except yours!
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Yeah, you know this is not helping, at all.
- [Astrid pushes Hiccup to make him see Toothless behind him]
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: TOOTHLESS! Hey bud!
- [hugs Toothless]
- Gobber the Belch: Stoick,
- [points at Hiccup]
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Bad dragon! Very bad dragon! You scared me to death don't ever stay away that long again and what is in your mouth?
- [Toothless puts Hiccup's lost helmet to Hiccup's head with his mouth]
- Astrid Hofferson, Ruffnut, Snotlout: EW
- [Disgusted]
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Oh, yeah you should've got my helmet. But hey, you found my helmet! That's where you've been? Buddy, thank you. You are amazing.
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: [Hugs Toothless]
- [Vikings are cheering]
- Astrid Hofferson: HAPPY SNOGGLE TOG!
- Astrid Hofferson: Yak Nog! Get your Yak Nog! C'mon! Get a frothy delicious cup of cheer.
- [Approaches other Viking teens]
- Astrid Hofferson: Hey you guys. Try this tasty new beverage i made for the holidays.
- Tuffnut: Eh, what's that smell? It's that you?
- [Pushes Ruffnut's face]
- Astrid Hofferson: It's Yak Nog!
- [Pours the Yak Nog into the cup]
- Tuffnut: [coughs, disgusted] If i drink that i'm gonna Yak Nog all over the place.
- Astrid Hofferson: Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?
- [Ruffnut sniffs at the Yak Nog, disgusted]
- Snotlout: Astrid, it sounds delightful! I'd love a mug.
- [He forces to swallow it because it tastes really bad]
- Snotlout: You could really taste the Yak.
- Fishlegs: Mmm, yum! What is that?
- Astrid Hofferson: Oh, you wanna try some? It's my new traditional drink.
- [Snotlout appears in the background, shaking his head, which means "Don't!"]
- Fishlegs: Oh, you know, um, i have suddenly in-uh inexplicably change, my mind.
- Astrid Hofferson: Well, you don't know what you're missing. I bet Hiccup will love this.
- Ruffnut: [to Snolout] Are you crying?
- Astrid Hofferson: Hiccup?
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Yeah i'm over here Astrid, come in.
- Astrid Hofferson: There! Happy Holidays, from me to you.
- [offered the Yak Nog to Hiccup]
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Thank you, milady.
- Astrid Hofferson: What are you up to?
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Okay, you're gonna think i'm crazy but, i just couldn't stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night. Toothless can't come and go like the other dragons and that's just not fair. I was up all night, and i think i find a way to fix that.
- [Hiccup drinks the Yak Nog that Astrid made. And hold it in his mouth because it doesn't taste good]
- Astrid Hofferson: No way! You build him some new tail? So he's gonna be able to fly without you.
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Mh-hm!
- Astrid Hofferson: Wow, what a great gift! What if he never comes back? What am i saying! Of course he will. Well, i'm gonna spread some holiday cheer. YOU'RE AMAZING!
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: [spewing the Yak Nog out of his mouth, disgusted] Blaaaaagghhhhh!
- Fishlegs: I can't believe him!
- Astrid Hofferson: You can't believe him? You kidnapped your dragon!
- Fishlegs: But that makes it sounds so mean.
- Tuffnut: [sifting through the pile of hay] Uh, guys?
- Astrid Hofferson: He flew away the second he was unleashed!
- Fishlegs: I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay...
- Tuffnut: GUYS!
- Fishlegs: [looking at what Tuffnut found] Whoa-ho-ho! Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks!
- Ruffnut: You're such an idiot. Those aren't rocks. Your dragon laid eggs.
- Astrid Hofferson: Hey! I bet that's why the dragons left! To lay their eggs!
- Fishlegs: But boy dragons don't lay eggs.
- Ruffnut: Yeah, your boy dragon... is a girl dragon.
- Fishlegs: Oh! That explains a few things.
- Stoick the Vast: What in Thor's name is going on?
- Astrid Hofferson: The eggs explode.
- [a final house over Astrid's shoulder explodes, and Astrid smiles nervously]